Luis BuñuelSchauspieler:
Catherine Deneuve, Fernando Rey, Franco Nero, Lola Gaos, Antonio Casas, Jesús Fernández, Vicente Soler, José Calvo, Fernando Cebrián, Antonio Ferrandis, José María Caffarel, Cándida Losada, Joaquín Pamplona, Mary Paz Pondal, Juanjo Menéndez, José BlanchNach dem Tod ihrer Mutter übernimmt der alternde Atheist Don Lope die Vormundschaft für die junge Tristana. Während er sie verführt und zu seiner Geliebten macht, verkündet er unaufhörlich, sie sei ebenso frei wie er. Tristana nutzt ihre Freiheit schließlich und verliebt sich in den jungen Künstler Horacio, für den sie Don Lope verlässt. Als sie an einem Tumor erkrankt und ihr ein Bein amputiert werden muss, kehrt sie zu Don Lope zurück. Doch die Vorzeichen haben sich geändert: Nun hat sie Macht über den gebrechlichen alten Mann, der zum Opfer ihrer Rache wird.
Luis Buñuels Machtspiel, in dem die einbeinige Catherine Deneuve auf Rache an ihrem Verführer Fernando Rey sinnt.
Tristana is a young Spanish woman left to the care of Don Lope, a protective but impoverished aristocrat. Don sells his possessions to avoid manual labor and champions the causes of the dispossessed and downtrodden of society. He takes advantage of the vulnerable Tristana, who leaves him when she falls in love with Horacio. Unable to commit to him, she returns to Don Lope when she falls ill. He asks for her hand in marriage, and she accepts after losing her leg to cancer. She chooses to remain in a passionless union rather than be subject to the harsh realities of a society that refuses to change to the needs of women. Taken from the novel by celebrated author Benito Perez Galdos.
Tristana is a young Spanish woman left to the care of Don Lope, a protective but impoverished aristocrat. Don sells his possessions to avoid manual labor and champions the causes of the dispossessed and downtrodden of society. He takes advantage of the vulnerable Tristana, who leaves him when she falls in love with Horacio. Unable to commit to him, she returns to Don Lope when she falls ill. He asks for her hand in marriage, and she accepts after losing her leg to cancer. She chooses to remain in a passionless union rather than be subject to the harsh realities of a society that refuses to change to the needs of women. Taken from the novel by celebrated author Benito Perez Galdos.