Troja 2 - Die Odyssee
Tekin GirginSchauspieler:
Dylan Vox, Lara Heller, Hachem Hicham, David Gray, Kelly B. Jones, Eoin O'Brien, David Blazejko, Ego Mikitas, Nikola Mitic, Katrina Grey, Dan Renalds, Daniel Whyte, Torstein Olaussen, Cecilia Belletti, Kat Ingkarat, Margaret RocheNach den Grauen des Trojanischen Krieges, muss sich Odysseus (Dylan Vox) auf dem Weg in seine Heimat noch viel größeren Gefahren stellen. Fabelwesen, Monster und verbannte Gottheiten stellen sich ihm und seinen Männern in den Weg. Doch Odysseus Entschlossenheit ist niemand gewachsen.
Den Kampf um Troja kennt jeder, doch wie ging es danach weiter? Eine Odyssee voller Gefahren und Monster wartet.
In this re-telling of Iliad, set in 1174 B.C. after ten years of fighting in the Trojan War, the Greek warrior Odysseus decides to travel for home, but instead finds a string of mis-adventures over the sea and land as he, along with a captive Trojan warrior named Circe as well as a group of loyal Greek soldiers, venture on the sea and land to get home to the island kingdom of Icarus and fighting sea sirens, and other mystical creatures to get home to his wife Penelope who is being hounded by a group of suitors hoping she will chose to make one of them their bride.
In this re-telling of Iliad, set in 1174 B.C. after ten years of fighting in the Trojan War, the Greek warrior Odysseus decides to travel for home, but instead finds a string of mis-adventures over the sea and land as he, along with a captive Trojan warrior named Circe as well as a group of loyal Greek soldiers, venture on the sea and land to get home to the island kingdom of Icarus and fighting sea sirens, and other mystical creatures to get home to his wife Penelope who is being hounded by a group of suitors hoping she will chose to make one of them their bride.