Edward Sedgwick, Buster KeatonSchauspieler:
Buster Keaton, Dorothy Sebastian, Edward Earle, Leila Hyams, William Bechtel, Jack Byron, Joe Bordeaux, Ray Cooke, Mike Donlin, Pat Harmon, Sydney Jarvis, Theodore Lorch, Hank Mann, Charles SullivanElmer arbeitet in einer Reinigung und ist in den Bühnenstar Trilby Dew verliebt. Er verpasst keinen ihrer Auftritte und borgt sich dafür jedes Mal einen anderen Anzug aus. Als sich Trilbys Freund mit einer anderen verlobt, ist Elmers großer Moment gekommen: Aufgrund von Elmers wechselnden Anzügen im Glauben, es handle sich bei ihm um einen Millionär, willigt Trilby ein, ihn zu heiraten. Doch die Ernüchterung lässt nicht allzu lange auf sich warten - und es bedarf einiger Anstrengungen Elmers, Trilby wirklich für sich zu gewinnen.
Elmer, a humble worker in a dry cleaning establishment, idolizes stage actress Trilby Drew. She, in turn, is carrying a torch for fellow actor Lionel Benmore. When he spurns her for the younger Ethyl Norcrosse, she impulsively asks Elmer to marry her, only to regret it almost immediately. Her handlers extricate her from the marriage, and when Elmer finds himself first in the hands of criminals and then at sea, he is more than happy for the opportunity to forget her. But a series of coincidences throw Elmer and Trilby back together again and she will have cause to re-evaluate her opinion of him.
Elmer, a humble worker in a dry cleaning establishment, idolizes stage actress Trilby Drew. She, in turn, is carrying a torch for fellow actor Lionel Benmore. When he spurns her for the younger Ethyl Norcrosse, she impulsively asks Elmer to marry her, only to regret it almost immediately. Her handlers extricate her from the marriage, and when Elmer finds himself first in the hands of criminals and then at sea, he is more than happy for the opportunity to forget her. But a series of coincidences throw Elmer and Trilby back together again and she will have cause to re-evaluate her opinion of him.