Tsatsiki - Papa und der Olivenkrieg
Lisa James LarssonSchauspieler:
Emrik Ekholm, Jonatan Rodriguez, Liv Mjönes, Sara Vilén, Adam Gutniak, Christine Meltzer, Johan HallströmEndlich Sommer! Der elfjährige Tsatsiki kann es kaum erwarten, die Ferien bei seinem Vater Yanis in Griechenland zu verbringen. Doch in dem Fischerdorf Agios Ammos ist nichts mehr beim Alten: Die griechische Schuldenkrise hat auch vor dem paradiesischen Dorf nicht haltgemacht, Häuser stehen zum Verkauf, die Restaurants sind verwaist. Auch ins Hotel von Tsatsikis Vater kommen kaum noch Gäste. Um seine Schulden abzuzahlen, überlegt Yanis nun sogar, das Hotel und den Olivenhain seiner Familie an windige Investoren zu verkaufen! Tsatsiki muss sich dringend etwas einfallen lassen, um Agios Ammos zu retten. Zum Glück ist er nicht allein - denn die unerschrockene Alva hat längst ein Auge auf ihn geworfen. Für die beiden beginnt eine Rettungsmission, die ihren Sommer in ein spannendes Abenteuer verwandelt.
Tsatsiki longs for the summer holidays when he will go to Greece to live with his dad Yanis. When Tsatsiki arrive at the village, it is not quite as he remembered it. Guesthouses and taverns are empty, there is a crisis in Greece and in his beloved village. When his dad delivers the bad news that he might have to sell both the hotel and the olive grove, Tsatsiki becomes upset. However, Tsatsiki's mother has taught him to never give up. He realizes that it is up to him to save the hotel, otherwise his beloved place in Greece will be lost.
Tsatsiki longs for the summer holidays when he will go to Greece to live with his dad Yanis. When Tsatsiki arrive at the village, it is not quite as he remembered it. Guesthouses and taverns are empty, there is a crisis in Greece and in his beloved village. When his dad delivers the bad news that he might have to sell both the hotel and the olive grove, Tsatsiki becomes upset. However, Tsatsiki's mother has taught him to never give up. He realizes that it is up to him to save the hotel, otherwise his beloved place in Greece will be lost.