Turm des Schreckens
Jerry JamesonSchauspieler:
Kurt Russell, Richard Yniguez, Ned Beatty, Pernell Roberts, Clifton James, John Forsythe, Gilbert Roland, Paul Carr, Alan Vint, Maria Elena Cordero, Pepe Serna, Don Hood, Jerry Leggio, Roger ManningNachdem er Mutter und Frau umgebracht hat, verschanzt sich ein junger, geistig verwirrter Mann auf der Plattform des Aussichtsturms der Universität Texas und nimmt den Campus unter Beschuß. Erst nachdem viele Tote zu beklagen sind, kann ihn ein beherzter Polizist im Alleingang ausschalten.
The real-life story of Charles Whitman's deadly shooting spree at the University of Texas is retold. In August 1966, after killing his wife and mother, Whitman climbed to the top of the school's tower and opened fire on passers-by, killing 13 and wounding many others.
The real-life story of Charles Whitman's deadly shooting spree at the University of Texas is retold. In August 1966, after killing his wife and mother, Whitman climbed to the top of the school's tower and opened fire on passers-by, killing 13 and wounding many others.