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Wayne WangSchauspieler:
Susan Sarandon, Natalie Portman, Hart Bochner, Eileen Ryan, Ray Baker, John Diehl, Shawn Hatosy, Bonnie Bedelia, Faran Tahir, Shishir Kurup, Elisabeth Moss, John Carroll Lynch, Caroline Aaron, Paul Guilfoyle, Thora Birch, Megan MullallyWährend die 14jährige Ann erwachsen und verantwortungsbewusst ist, will ihre freiheitsliebende und abenteuerlustige Mutter Adele überall hin, nur nicht in ihrer Heimatkleinstadt bleiben. Sie machen sich auf nach Beverly Hills. Doch dort angekommen reichen ihre Finanzen lediglich für ein schäbiges Apartment, für das Mutter Adele schon mal vergisst, die Stromrechnung zu zahlen.
Amüsantes und psychologisch fein abgestimmtes Drama über eine unkonventionelle Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung.
In this adaptation of the Mona Simpson novel, single mother Adele August is bad with money, and even worse when it comes to making decisions. Her straight-laced daughter, Ann, is a successful high school student with Ivy League aspirations. When Adele decides to pack up and move the two of them from the Midwest to Beverly Hills, Calif., to pursue her dreams of Hollywood success, Ann grows frustrated with her mother's irresponsible and impulsive ways.
In this adaptation of the Mona Simpson novel, single mother Adele August is bad with money, and even worse when it comes to making decisions. Her straight-laced daughter, Ann, is a successful high school student with Ivy League aspirations. When Adele decides to pack up and move the two of them from the Midwest to Beverly Hills, Calif., to pursue her dreams of Hollywood success, Ann grows frustrated with her mother's irresponsible and impulsive ways.