Und dann der Regen
Icíar BollaínSchauspieler:
Luis Tosar, Gael García Bernal, Vicente Romero, Karra Elejalde, Juan Carlos Aduviri, Raúl Arévalo, Carlos Santos, Cassandra Ciangherotti, Milena Soliz, Leónidas Chiri, Ezequiel Díaz, Pau Cólera, Antonio Mora, Daniel Currás, Glenda RodríguezEin spanisches Filmteam gerät in Bolivien bei Dreharbeiten zu einem Film über den Entdecker Christoph Kolumbus in Schwierigkeiten, als Statisten streiken und sich die sozialen Unruhen in der Stadt Cochabamba zu einer Rebellion ausweiten, weil die Regierung die Wasserversorgung der Region an einen Multi verkauft hat. Der idealistische, auf seiner Vision beharrende Regisseur erweist sich in seiner Hybris als Ausbeuter, der pragmatische Produzent, gewohnt, mit Geld umzugehen, wird zur Schlüsselfigur bei der Entscheidungsfindung.
Spanish director Sebastián, his executive producer Costa and all his crew are in Bolivia, in the Cochabamba area, to shoot a motion picture about Christopher Columbus, his first explorations and the way the Spaniards treated the Indians at the time. Costa has chosen this place because the budget of the film is tight and here he can hire supernumeraries, local actors and extras on the cheap. Things go more or less smoothly until a conflict erupts over the privatization of the water supply. The trouble is that one of the local actors, is a leading activist in the protest movement.
Spanish director Sebastián, his executive producer Costa and all his crew are in Bolivia, in the Cochabamba area, to shoot a motion picture about Christopher Columbus, his first explorations and the way the Spaniards treated the Indians at the time. Costa has chosen this place because the budget of the film is tight and here he can hire supernumeraries, local actors and extras on the cheap. Things go more or less smoothly until a conflict erupts over the privatization of the water supply. The trouble is that one of the local actors, is a leading activist in the protest movement.