Michael Spierig, Peter SpierigSchauspieler:
Robyn Moore, Steve Greig, Felicity Mason, Mungo McKay, Rob Jenkins, Lisa Cunningham, Dirk Hunter, Emma Randall, Noel Sheridan, Gaynor Wensley, Eleanor Stillman, Robert Jozinovic, Peter Mensforth, Jacob Andriolo, Michele SteelIn dem beschaulichen australischen Fischerdorf Berkeley verursachen die Fragmente eines Kometen eine Katastrophe: der Großteil der Einwohner verwandelt sich durch kosmische Strahlung zu blutrünstige Zombies! Eine Gruppe von sechs Menschenversucht verzweifelt, ihr eigenes Leben zu retten. Ausgerechnet der verschrobene Sonderling und Waffennarr Marion soll ihr Retter sein - und seine dreiläufige Schrotflinte sorgt tatsächlich für massive Verluste in den Reihen der Untoten. Zwischen all dem Blut und Chaos gibt es nur einen Ausweg für die Überlebenden: Raus aus Berkeley! Doch es erwarten sie noch einige böse Überraschungen.
Peaceful, rustic Berkeley is a charming fishing community where life is sweet and the people friendly. All that is about to change. After losing her childhood farm to the bank, local beauty Rene decides to leave town and head for the big city. Suddenly, an avalanche of meteorites races through the sky, bombarding the town and bringing an otherworldly infection. Departing is going to be much more difficult than she had planned. The living dead are awakened and Rene is now caught in a nightmare of zombies hungry for human flesh. She manages to find salvation in a small isolated farm house owned by the town loony, Marion. There she is met with four other desperate survivors. Together they battle their way through a plague of walking dead and discover that there is more transpiring than just an infection.
Peaceful, rustic Berkeley is a charming fishing community where life is sweet and the people friendly. All that is about to change. After losing her childhood farm to the bank, local beauty Rene decides to leave town and head for the big city. Suddenly, an avalanche of meteorites races through the sky, bombarding the town and bringing an otherworldly infection. Departing is going to be much more difficult than she had planned. The living dead are awakened and Rene is now caught in a nightmare of zombies hungry for human flesh. She manages to find salvation in a small isolated farm house owned by the town loony, Marion. There she is met with four other desperate survivors. Together they battle their way through a plague of walking dead and discover that there is more transpiring than just an infection.