Uneasy Rider - Behindert, Moslem, Homosexuell - Sonst noch Probleme?
Der fettleibige und an einer degenerativen Muskelerkrankung leidende René terrorisiert seine Umgebung. Bevor es sein körperlicher Zustand nicht mehr erlaubt, möchte er sich einen letzten Wunsch erfüllen: Wenigstens einmal noch möchte er mit einer Frau schlafen. Die Leitung des Behindertenheims ist entsetzt.
In a nursing home for disabled near Toulon, René is unanimously hated by all. With fifty years and suffering from myopathy, has an irascible, rebellious character. But not resist provocations candor and uprightness of Julie, a special educator rookie. He confesses he wants to make love to a woman before her degenerative disease definitely catch it. Then Julie goes after one of the prostitutes who work in caravans along the N7.
In a nursing home for disabled near Toulon, René is unanimously hated by all. With fifty years and suffering from myopathy, has an irascible, rebellious character. But not resist provocations candor and uprightness of Julie, a special educator rookie. He confesses he wants to make love to a woman before her degenerative disease definitely catch it. Then Julie goes after one of the prostitutes who work in caravans along the N7.