Unheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art
Steven SpielbergSchauspieler:
Lance Henriksen, Richard Dreyfuss, Bob Balaban, Melinda Dillon, Cary Guffey, Teri Garr, François Truffaut, J. Patrick McNamara, Warren J. Kemmerling, Roberts Blossom, Philip Dodds, Shawn Bishop, Adrienne Campbell, Justin Dreyfuss, Merrill ConnallyIn der amerikanischen Provinz geht Merkwürdiges vor: Elektronische Geräte machen sich selbständig, mehrere Menschen werden unabhängig voneinander Augenzeugen unnatürlicher Himmelsphänomene, und einige von ihnen fühlen fortan die Neigung, seltsame Dinge zu tun und einen mysteriösen Tafelberg im Mittelwesten aufzusuchen. Dort stellen sich auch bald jede Menge Militär und Wissenschaftler ein, denn Großes steht bevor: Eine außerirdische Zivilisation besucht Mutter Erde, um Kontakt mit der Menschheit aufzunehmen.
Die cineastische Rarität einer außerirdischen Invasion unter friedlichen Vorzeichen steht im Mittelpunkt dieses spannenden Fantasy-Abenteuers, mit dem Steven Spielberg im Anschluß an "Der Weiße Hai" seinen Ruf als Kassenmagnet ersten Ranges untermauerte und gleichzeitig allen Hobby-Ufologen und zivilisationsmüden Tagträumern den ultimativen Kultfilm bescherte.
Two parallel stories are told. In the first, a group of research scientists from a variety of backgrounds are investigating the strange appearance of items in remote locations, primarily desert regions. In continuing their investigation, one of the lead scientists, a Frenchman named Claude Lacombe, incorporates the Kodály method of music education as a means of communication in their work. The response, in turn, at first baffles the researchers, until American cartographer David Laughlin deciphers the meaning of the response. In the second, electric company lineman and family man Roy Neary and single mother Jillian Guiler are among some individuals in Muncie, Indiana who experience some paranormal activity before some flashes of bright lights in the sky, which they believe to be a UFO. Roy becomes obsessed with what he saw, unlike some others, especially in some form of authority, who refuse to acknowledge their belief that it was a UFO in not wanting to appear crazy. That obsession ...
Two parallel stories are told. In the first, a group of research scientists from a variety of backgrounds are investigating the strange appearance of items in remote locations, primarily desert regions. In continuing their investigation, one of the lead scientists, a Frenchman named Claude Lacombe, incorporates the Kodály method of music education as a means of communication in their work. The response, in turn, at first baffles the researchers, until American cartographer David Laughlin deciphers the meaning of the response. In the second, electric company lineman and family man Roy Neary and single mother Jillian Guiler are among some individuals in Muncie, Indiana who experience some paranormal activity before some flashes of bright lights in the sky, which they believe to be a UFO. Roy becomes obsessed with what he saw, unlike some others, especially in some form of authority, who refuse to acknowledge their belief that it was a UFO in not wanting to appear crazy. That obsession ...