Unter Feinden - Walking with the Enemy
Mark SchmidtSchauspieler:
Vitalie Bichir, Jonas Armstrong, David Leon, Hannah Tointon, Jeffrey C. Hawkins, Vlad Radescu, Andrei Aradits, Heather Bleasdale, Stefan Velniciuc, Mihai Stanescu, Burn Gorman, Ben Kingsley, Shane Taylor, Iulia Lumânare, William Hope, Constantin FlorescuIm Jahr 1944 marschiert die Armee des Dritten Reiches in Ungarn ein und bringt es unter ihre Kontrolle. Doch mit dem Fortschreiten des Krieges steigt schließlich auch die Widerstandsbereitschaft unter der ungarischen Bevölkerung. Der Regent der kolaborierenden ungarischen Regierung, Horthy, versucht sein Volk zwischen den Wirren des Krieges, der eigenen Tradition und dem Naziterror hindurch zu manövrieren. Als die Naziführung an seiner Loyalität zu zweifeln beginnt, drängt sich Horthy langsam aber sicher die Entscheidung auf, zwischen der Sicherheit seiner Familie und der Machtenthebung seiner Partei wählen zu müssen. Zur gleichen Zeit macht sich der junge Elek Cohen, der wie viele andere in die Ghettos vertrieben wurde, auf die Suche nach seiner verschollenen Familie. Mit Hilfe seiner Freundin Hannah Schoen gibt er sich als SS-Offizier aus und unterwandert das deutsche Militär.
Regent Horthy is the leader of Hungary and a German ally, but his favorable standing with Hitler changes as the war comes to an end. Forced to cede Hungary’s power or else witness the execution of his son, Regent Horthy gives up control of his country to the Nazis, who quickly move Hungarians to ghettos and death camps, with no hope in sight. But the despair changes when a young man named Elek emerges. Separated from his family during the relocations and aided by the woman he loves , Elek defies the enemy by becoming one of them. In a race against time, disguised as a Nazi Officer he embarks on a mission to save his family and thousands of his countrymen.
Regent Horthy is the leader of Hungary and a German ally, but his favorable standing with Hitler changes as the war comes to an end. Forced to cede Hungary’s power or else witness the execution of his son, Regent Horthy gives up control of his country to the Nazis, who quickly move Hungarians to ghettos and death camps, with no hope in sight. But the despair changes when a young man named Elek emerges. Separated from his family during the relocations and aided by the woman he loves , Elek defies the enemy by becoming one of them. In a race against time, disguised as a Nazi Officer he embarks on a mission to save his family and thousands of his countrymen.