Unter Kontrolle
Jennifer Chambers LynchSchauspieler:
Michael Ironside, Julia Ormond, Hugh Dillon, Kent Harper, Gill Gayle, Caroline Aaron, David Gane, Pell James, Daryl Haney, Shannon Jardine, Angela Lamarsh, Gerald Lenton-Young, Jennifer Miles, Mac Miller, Charlie NewmarkNachdem mitten im amerikanischen Nirgendwo ein grausamer Mord geschah, schickt das FBI mit den Agents Anderson (Julia Ormond) und Hallaway (Bill Pullman) zwei Ermittler an den Ort des Geschehens. Im Büro von Captain Billings (Michael Ironside) müssen sie widersprüchliche Zeugenaussagen gegeneinander abwägen: Kokserin Bobbi (Pell James), die 8-jährige Stephanie (Ryan Simpkins) und ein verquerer Cop geben verwirrende Statements ab.
Beherzt springt Davids Tochter Jennifer Lynch ("Boxing Helena") in den Psychopool ihres kultisch verehrten Daddys und taucht nach allerhand menschlichen Abgründen. Das leistet einem schwarzhumorigen, surrealen Mordpuzzle Vorschub, das von schrägen Typen und starken Stilismen lebt.
Grisly murders occur in a small town. Two FBI agents arrive, set up their cameras in three interview rooms, and set up interviews of three survivors: a girl of about nine, a foul-mouthed cop with a bandaged hand, and a young woman of about 20 who uses drugs. Each tells their story as the male FBI agent listens and watches from a separate room: the girl draws for and talks to the female agent, the local chief interviews the injured cop, and two officers interview the young woman. As they tell their stories, some of which are inaccurate and self-serving, we see what actually happened the day before. Can the agents or anyone else put the pieces together?
Grisly murders occur in a small town. Two FBI agents arrive, set up their cameras in three interview rooms, and set up interviews of three survivors: a girl of about nine, a foul-mouthed cop with a bandaged hand, and a young woman of about 20 who uses drugs. Each tells their story as the male FBI agent listens and watches from a separate room: the girl draws for and talks to the female agent, the local chief interviews the injured cop, and two officers interview the young woman. As they tell their stories, some of which are inaccurate and self-serving, we see what actually happened the day before. Can the agents or anyone else put the pieces together?