Until She Came Along
Rob SitchSchauspieler:
Daniel Henshall, Rachael Taylor, Josh Lawson, Felicity Ward, Christian Clark, David James, Jodi Gordon, Ed Kavalee, Alan Brough, Rob Carlton, Tracy Mann, Lachy Hulme, Chantelle Raleigh, Liliya May, Tom CarmodyDrinks, schnelle Autos und schöne Frauen sind das Ding schlechthin für den 27-jährigen Werber Ben, dem egal ist, ob seine Kampagne für Billigfusel oder postsowjetische Tennisdamen stattfindet, Hauptsache, sie führt zu der gewünschten Menge Reibach. Jetzt aber ist etwas geschehen, was Ben nicht berechnen oder mit manipulativem Gerede beeinflussen kann: Er hat sich verliebt in eine Frau, die schlauer ist als er, etwas Gutes für die Gesellschaft leistet, und ihm nicht sofort nachgibt. Nun fühlt sich Ben erst recht herausgefordert.
Schöne junge Menschen treiben schöne Dinge in dieser vor strahlend schönen Luxuskulissen spielenden australischen Romantikkomödie. Wie so häufig im Metier sammelt ein junger Herr Erfahrungen, die ihn persönlich reifen und dadurch eine zuvor schwer nahbare Traumfrau erobern lassen.
Ben (Josh Lawson) is a twenty-something up and coming marketing guru who is invited to his old school to speak at a careers event, which is also attended by Alex (Rachael Taylor), an old classmate. This rekindles a mutual attraction between them and is also a life-changing event for Ben, as he starts to question his career to date, and where his life is headed. He turns to those around him for support but realization slowly dawns that it is only he who can control his own destiny.
Ben (Josh Lawson) is a twenty-something up and coming marketing guru who is invited to his old school to speak at a careers event, which is also attended by Alex (Rachael Taylor), an old classmate. This rekindles a mutual attraction between them and is also a life-changing event for Ben, as he starts to question his career to date, and where his life is headed. He turns to those around him for support but realization slowly dawns that it is only he who can control his own destiny.