Vampire Dog - Mein bester Kumpel - Ein Vampir auf vier Pfoten
Geoff AndersonSchauspieler:
Collin MacKechnie, Julia Sarah Stone, Amy Matysio, Ron PedersonAce (Collin MacKechnie) ist der neue an seiner Schule und tut sich schwer, Kontakt zu seinen neuen Mitschülern herzustellen. Doch dann stirbt sein 96-jähriger Großvater, der bis zu seinem Tod in Transsylvanien gelebt hatte und schickt Ace als Erbe seinen alten Hund Fang (Originalstimme: Norm MacDonald). Ace kann mit dem alten Tier zunächst nichts anfangen, doch dann entdeckt er, dass Fang kein gewöhnlicher Hund ist, sondern ein Vampirhund, der dazu auch noch sprechen kann. Dies erregt die Aufmerksamkeit des wahnsinnigen Wissenschaftlers Dr. Warhol und gemeinsam mit seinem Assistenten Frank versucht er, des außergewöhnlichen Hundes habhaft zu werden, um mit ihm zu experimentieren. Nun müssen Ace und Fang zusammenhalten und gemeinsam versuchen, die Verfolger abzuschütteln, damit Fang sein Leben weiterhin in Freiheit verbringen kann.
VAMPIRE DOG is a feature length family film about finding courage and discovering that you belong. Ace, a 12-year-old boy is new in middle school. His grandfather from Transylvania passes away at the ripe age of 99, and sends him his dog, Fang, to look after. Ace soon discovers that Fang is a vampire dog. Professor Warhol, a mad scientist and her bumbling assistant Frank, try to capture Fang to steal his DNA, in order to look young. They are constantly in pursuit of Fang but Fang uses his superpowers to stay one step ahead of them. During their adventure Ace shows Fang how to behave like a normal dog and embrace his vampire powers. Fang helps Ace open up and come alive again through his music. Ace and Fang discover with the help of each other, when they face their fears, they can do anything.
VAMPIRE DOG is a feature length family film about finding courage and discovering that you belong. Ace, a 12-year-old boy is new in middle school. His grandfather from Transylvania passes away at the ripe age of 99, and sends him his dog, Fang, to look after. Ace soon discovers that Fang is a vampire dog. Professor Warhol, a mad scientist and her bumbling assistant Frank, try to capture Fang to steal his DNA, in order to look young. They are constantly in pursuit of Fang but Fang uses his superpowers to stay one step ahead of them. During their adventure Ace shows Fang how to behave like a normal dog and embrace his vampire powers. Fang helps Ace open up and come alive again through his music. Ace and Fang discover with the help of each other, when they face their fears, they can do anything.