Varan - Das Monster aus der Urzeit
Ishirô HondaSchauspieler:
Kôzô Nomura, Ayumi Sonoda, Koreya Senda, Akihiko Hirata, Fuyuki Murakami, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Minosuke Yamada, Hisaya Itô, Yoshifumi Tajima, Nadao Kirino, Akira Sera, Akio Kusama, Noriko Honma, Akira Yamada, Fumindo Matsuo, Sôji UbukataNach dem Fund eines seltenen japanischen Schmetterlings in China, schickt Professor Sugimoto zwei Studenten in eine entlegene Gegend aus, um die Herkunft des Insekts zu klären. Dort treffen sie jedoch eine nicht sonderlich freundliche Landbevölkerung an, die die Gottheit Baran (Varan, Baragi) verehrt. Die ist aber überdies putzmunter und sehr groß, was die Studenten leider nach ausgedehnter Suche nicht überleben.
Daraufhin macht sich Yuriko, die Tochter eines der Vermißten samt ihrem Freund Kenji und einem Reporter auf, den Fall zu klären und einen TV-Bericht daraus zu schneidern. Im Gegensatz zu ihren Vorgängern kommen sie mit dem Leben davon, dafür erfährt so die Öffentlichkeit, die Medien und nicht zuletzt die Armee von der Existenz Barans, den der Rummel zunehmend nervt. Also schwingt sich die waranähnliche Riesenechsel in die Lüfte und macht sich auf nach Tokio, gegen so ziemlich jede bekannte Waffe gefeit...
When a rare species of butterfly is found in a mysterious valley in Japan, a pair of entomologists go to investigate and find more. However, when they get there they find an uncharted lake and as they are observing it they are caught in a landslide and killed. A reporter named Yuriko, the sister of one of the men decides to go to the area to find out what exactly happened. She is accompanied by another entomologist named Kenji and a reporter named Horiguchi. When they get to the village where the men were last seen alive they find out about a legend regarding a giant monster. They soon find out that it is not a legend and the monster named Varan is very much alive. Soon Varan leaves the valley where he has lived for millions of years and is heading for Tokyo. *Not* a lost film.
When a rare species of butterfly is found in a mysterious valley in Japan, a pair of entomologists go to investigate and find more. However, when they get there they find an uncharted lake and as they are observing it they are caught in a landslide and killed. A reporter named Yuriko, the sister of one of the men decides to go to the area to find out what exactly happened. She is accompanied by another entomologist named Kenji and a reporter named Horiguchi. When they get to the village where the men were last seen alive they find out about a legend regarding a giant monster. They soon find out that it is not a legend and the monster named Varan is very much alive. Soon Varan leaves the valley where he has lived for millions of years and is heading for Tokyo. *Not* a lost film.