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Eduardo SánchezSchauspieler:
Paul McCarthy-Boyington, James Gammon, Brad William Henke, Adam Kaufman, Catherine Mangan, Michael C. Williams, Misty Rosas, Joe Unger, John William Wright, Shea Elmore, Klaus Heesch, Matt McCann, Phil Stevenson, Eduardo SánchezVier Männer die ein Ereignis ihres Lebens nicht vergessen können. Sie alle wurden vor 15 Jahren von Aliens entführt und grausamen Experimenten unterzogen. Ein Freund starb unter den Torturen. Während sich Wyatt (Adam Kaufman) seither auf seinem abgelegenem Anwesen bewaffnet zurückzieht, sehnen sich die anderen drei Überlebenden nach Rache. Duke (Brad William Henke), Cody (Paul McCarthy-Boyington) und Otis (Michael C. Williams) widmen ihre Zeit der Jagd auf die außerirdische Lebensform, die nach Jahren den eher unerwarteten Erfolg bringt. Sie haben ein Alien in ihrer Gewalt.
Angeschossen und in Ketten gelegt verfrachten sie den Feind zu ihrem vierten Mann Wyatt, mit dem gemeinsam sie den Tod des Kameraden Timmys und ihre Qualen rächen wollen. Dieser lässt die Gruppe nur widerwillig ins Haus, denn allein mit dem Fang der Kreatur ist es nicht getan, auch die Kontrolle darüber zu behalten gestaltet sich als weitaus schwieriger.
So stehen die vier einer grauenhaften Nacht voller Angst und Ungewissheit gegenüber.
After a chance encounter at the ages of fifteen with a terrifying alien race, Wyatt, Cody, Duke and Otis are scarred by the death of their friend. Released from experimentation by the creatures, they go their separate ways. Fifteen years later, Cody, Duke and Otis have re-united; ardent in that revenge is the path to take. Wyatt, however, has ultimately decided to live with the past and has chosen a normal life with his wife Hope. Entwined to the fate of Duke, Cody and Otis when they manage to track down and capture a lone alien, Wyatt and Hope are now thrust into a new world of terror as the horrifying abilities of the creature become known. From hypnotizing Hope with a mere glance into her eyes to infecting Cody with a seemingly transmogrification-bound alien virus, the creature is out to wreak havoc upon its captors in any and all of its devious and insidious means. With no more than a few hours to decide between releasing the creature and forfeiting their lives, and killing the ...
After a chance encounter at the ages of fifteen with a terrifying alien race, Wyatt, Cody, Duke and Otis are scarred by the death of their friend. Released from experimentation by the creatures, they go their separate ways. Fifteen years later, Cody, Duke and Otis have re-united; ardent in that revenge is the path to take. Wyatt, however, has ultimately decided to live with the past and has chosen a normal life with his wife Hope. Entwined to the fate of Duke, Cody and Otis when they manage to track down and capture a lone alien, Wyatt and Hope are now thrust into a new world of terror as the horrifying abilities of the creature become known. From hypnotizing Hope with a mere glance into her eyes to infecting Cody with a seemingly transmogrification-bound alien virus, the creature is out to wreak havoc upon its captors in any and all of its devious and insidious means. With no more than a few hours to decide between releasing the creature and forfeiting their lives, and killing the ...