Verlorene Liebesmüh'
Kenneth BranaghSchauspieler:
Kenneth Branagh, Alessandro Nivola, Adrian Lester, Matthew Lillard, Alicia Silverstone, Natascha McElhone, Richard Briers, Timothy Spall, Carmen Ejogo, Geraldine McEwan, Stefania Rocca, Jimmy Yuill, Emily Mortimer, Nathan Lane, Anthony O'Donnell, Daniel HillKurz vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg beschließen der König von Navarra und drei seiner Freunde, sich die nächsten drei Jahre nur ihren Studien und nicht den Frauen zu widmen. Doch da kündigt die Prinzessin von Frankreich mit ihren Hofdamen ihren Besuch an.
Shakespeare-Verfilmer Kenneth Branagh mit seiner vierten Adaption, die dieses Mal vor allem auf Songs aus Hollywood-Musicals baut.
The King of Navarre and his three companions swear a very public oath to study together and to renounce women for three years. Their honour is immediately put to the test by the arrival of the Princess of France and her three lovely companions. It's love at first sight for all concerned followed by the men's hopeless efforts to disguise their feelings.
The King of Navarre and his three companions swear a very public oath to study together and to renounce women for three years. Their honour is immediately put to the test by the arrival of the Princess of France and her three lovely companions. It's love at first sight for all concerned followed by the men's hopeless efforts to disguise their feelings.