Jan HřebejkSchauspieler:
Milan Ondrík, Jan Kolařík, Éva Bandor, Pavel Kříž, Lukáš Bech, Marie Poulová, Vincent Navrátil, John Bok, Matouš Rajmont, Oliver Šiška, Michael Beran, Martin Cenek, Dalibor Černák, Naďa Kovářová, Ivo Kučera, Miroslav KumhalaNach 20 Jahren in der französischen Fremdenlegion kehrt Martin in seine tschechische Heimat zurück. Dort muss er von seiner inzwischen verheirateten Schwester erfahren, dass seine Mutter verstorben ist. Martin wird bewusst, dass er im Militär zwar gelernt hat, in jeder gefährlichen Situation zu überleben, jedoch nicht wie man mit der Komplexität menschlicher Emotionen und Beziehungen umgeht.
Old guilt, forgiveness and a new love. After 20 years in the French Foreign Legion, Martin returns to his Czech hometown. As soon as he arrives, he learns that his mother has died in his absence. Martin realizes that while in the military he learned to survive in any dangerous situation, but not how to cope with the complexities of human emotions and relationships. When he meets the deputy mayor's clever daughter Sara, he falls passionately in love and happiness seems to be within reach. But then his past catches up with him ...
Old guilt, forgiveness and a new love. After 20 years in the French Foreign Legion, Martin returns to his Czech hometown. As soon as he arrives, he learns that his mother has died in his absence. Martin realizes that while in the military he learned to survive in any dangerous situation, but not how to cope with the complexities of human emotions and relationships. When he meets the deputy mayor's clever daughter Sara, he falls passionately in love and happiness seems to be within reach. But then his past catches up with him ...