Viking Legacy
In alten Zeiten gab es sieben heilige Schriftrollen. Wie die Sage erzählt, sollen sie einem Kind von reinem Blute zur Macht und Herrschaft über Nationen verhelfen. Die Jagd nach den Schriftrollen bringt Europa an den Rand eines Krieges. Wikinger durchziehen das Land. Als sie den König der Kelten in seinem eigenen Blut ertränken, kann seine Tochter reinen Blutes mit den mächtigen Pergamenten fliehen. Eine erbitterte Jagd und Flucht vor den Nordmännern beginnt... - bis sich die Prophezeiung erfüllt.
Wüster Wikingerfilm, der sich stolz auf Vorbilder wie “Vikings” oder “Games of Thrones” stützt.
In ancient times, there were seven sacred scrolls believed to grant power and prosperity to those who possessed them. Prophecy told that a child born in pure Royal blood would one day harness power and rule over the nations. As men fought to claim the scrolls, Europe was pushed to the brink of war. In order to maintain peace, a Celtic King, the Father of a pure blood child, obtained the scrolls and gave them to the Christian Council for safe keeping. As word of the King’s actions spread, a warlord hell – bent on finding the scrolls murdered him in cold blood. And so, the King’s Daughter, like the scrolls, was taken into hiding until the day that the prophecy could be fulfilled ...
In ancient times, there were seven sacred scrolls believed to grant power and prosperity to those who possessed them. Prophecy told that a child born in pure Royal blood would one day harness power and rule over the nations. As men fought to claim the scrolls, Europe was pushed to the brink of war. In order to maintain peace, a Celtic King, the Father of a pure blood child, obtained the scrolls and gave them to the Christian Council for safe keeping. As word of the King’s actions spread, a warlord hell – bent on finding the scrolls murdered him in cold blood. And so, the King’s Daughter, like the scrolls, was taken into hiding until the day that the prophecy could be fulfilled ...