Vilja und die Räuber
Marjut KomulainenSchauspieler:
Timo Aula, Emilia Hakkarainen, Arto Heikkilä, Olli-Kalle HeimoVILJA UND DIE RÄUBER ist die rasante Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Kinder-Bestsellers von Siri Kolu. In der Tradition der beliebten Astrid Lindgren-Geschichten entführt der Film in die aufregende Welt der Familie Räuberberg – eine Welt voller guter Laune und Abenteuer. Regisseurin Marjut Komulainen schafft es mit sehr viel Witz und Wärme die sagenhafte Geschichte von VILJA UND DIE RÄUBER auf die große Leinwand zu zaubern.
The Rosvola family – The Robbersons drive around the country in their pirate car robbing bypassing cars of their sweets, extra food and consumer goods. Life changes for the Rosvolas when they accidentally kidnap 10-year-old Vilja, a diligent school girl. Will Vilja succeed in escaping or will she become friends with the Rosvolas´ children Hele (12 years) and Kalle (9 years)? We are the Pirates of the Roads is a funny and crazy adventurous road movie for children.
The Rosvola family – The Robbersons drive around the country in their pirate car robbing bypassing cars of their sweets, extra food and consumer goods. Life changes for the Rosvolas when they accidentally kidnap 10-year-old Vilja, a diligent school girl. Will Vilja succeed in escaping or will she become friends with the Rosvolas´ children Hele (12 years) and Kalle (9 years)? We are the Pirates of the Roads is a funny and crazy adventurous road movie for children.