Christian DitterSchauspieler:
Nick Romeo Reimann, Leonie Tepe, Fabian Halbig, Manuel Steitz, David Hürten, Javidan Imani, Robin Walter, Nicolas Schinseck, Nora Tschirner, Maria Schrader, Smudo, Jacob Matschenz, Axel Stein, Oktay Özdemir, Marina Hambuch, Heiner BeekerFür den 10-jährigen Hannes (Nick Romeo Reimann), der bei seiner jungen Mutter (Nora Tschirner) aufwächst, gibt es nur ein Ziel: Er will unbedingt zur coolsten Jugendbande des Ortes gehören - den Vorstadtkrokodilen. Bei der dafür notwendigen Mutprobe gerät er in Lebensgefahr und wird ausgerechnet von dem im Rollstuhl sitzenden und als "Spasti" verachteten Kai (Fabian Halbig) gerettet. Erst, als dieser einen Einbruch beobachtet, zeigt die Bande Interesse.
Seit 1977 begeistert Max von der Grüns Jugendbuch Generationen von Fans, die nun nicht mehr nur auf die WDR-Verfilmung, sondern auch auf ein waschechtes Kinoabenteuer zurückgreifen können: Das Team von "Die Welle" setzt auf phantasiereiche und anspruchsvolle Unterhaltung.
Ten-year-old Hannes, growing up with his young, poor and single mother wants to join the coolest gang in the area, the Vorstadtkrokodile. When the ‘entry test’ goes wrong, Hannes’s life is saved by Kai, who is desperate to join too but is wheelchair bound and unable to even run away when things get hot. Hannes would accept Kai but the other gang members don’t seem happy to accept a handicapped member. Finally Kai has something to offer. One night a shop is robbed and Kai sees the robbers with his telescope. This is his chance to give some important information to the Crocodiles who want to catch the robbers and gain the € 1000 reward. The Crocodiles and their new member will embark on a big and dangerous adventure.
Ten-year-old Hannes, growing up with his young, poor and single mother wants to join the coolest gang in the area, the Vorstadtkrokodile. When the ‘entry test’ goes wrong, Hannes’s life is saved by Kai, who is desperate to join too but is wheelchair bound and unable to even run away when things get hot. Hannes would accept Kai but the other gang members don’t seem happy to accept a handicapped member. Finally Kai has something to offer. One night a shop is robbed and Kai sees the robbers with his telescope. This is his chance to give some important information to the Crocodiles who want to catch the robbers and gain the € 1000 reward. The Crocodiles and their new member will embark on a big and dangerous adventure.