Wang Yu - Eine Faust Wie Ein Hammer
Yu WangSchauspieler:
Jimmy Wang Yu, Lung Fei, Ma Kei, Cindy Tang Hsin, Sit Hon, Tien Yeh, Shan Mao, Kwan Hung, Wong Wing-Sang, Blacky Ko Sau-Leung, Tsai Hung, Su Chen-Ping, Cheung Yee-Kwai, Ng Tung-Kiu, Pan Chun-Lin, Man ManGegen Ende der Ching Dynastie wird das öffentliche Leben in China durch selbstherrliche Kampfsportschulen terrorisiert. Brutale Ausschreitungen gegen ordentliche Bürger sind an der Tagesordnung.
Eines Tage erlebt der junge YU TIEN LUNG aus der Cheng Boxschule, wie eine von SHAO CHILINS Schülern die Gäste eines Teehauses provoziert und greift ein.
Es kommt zum Kampf und Yu zieht sich den Zorn SHAOS zu. Der Vergeltungsschlag gegen die Boxschule wird vorbereitet. Ein furchtbares Gemetzel entbrennt.
Nur Yu kann schwer verletzt entkommen. Er hat einen Arm verloren und entwickelt nun eine spezielle Methode für
" Körperbehinderte ". Dann stellt er sich erneut dem Todfeind Shao....
Tien Lung, the best fighter at the Ching Te martial arts school, gets into a fight with the Hook Gang, part of a local opium-dealing and prostitution ring run by a man named Chao, and easily defeats them. The beaten Hook gang members return to Chao, who is so infuriated that he goes to the Ching Te dojo and challenges Tien's master, Hang Tui, to a fight. Hang Tui quickly defeats Chao, leaving him even more humiliated. Chao plans his revenge by hiring a group of mercenary martial artists from Shanghai; two karate experts and their teacher, a Judo master, a Taekwondo expert, two Thai boxing fighters, a Yoga expert, and two mystic Tibetan lamas. With this group, Chao easily destroys the Ching Te school and all of their businesses, leaving everyone dead except for Tien Lung who loses his right arm. Tien Lung vows revenge and begins his training to destroy anyone and everyone who stands in his way.
Tien Lung, the best fighter at the Ching Te martial arts school, gets into a fight with the Hook Gang, part of a local opium-dealing and prostitution ring run by a man named Chao, and easily defeats them. The beaten Hook gang members return to Chao, who is so infuriated that he goes to the Ching Te dojo and challenges Tien's master, Hang Tui, to a fight. Hang Tui quickly defeats Chao, leaving him even more humiliated. Chao plans his revenge by hiring a group of mercenary martial artists from Shanghai; two karate experts and their teacher, a Judo master, a Taekwondo expert, two Thai boxing fighters, a Yoga expert, and two mystic Tibetan lamas. With this group, Chao easily destroys the Ching Te school and all of their businesses, leaving everyone dead except for Tien Lung who loses his right arm. Tien Lung vows revenge and begins his training to destroy anyone and everyone who stands in his way.