WarHunt - Hexenjäger
Mauro BorrelliSchauspieler:
Robert Knepper, Jackson Rathbone, Mickey Rourke, Aglaya Tarasova, Anna Paliga, Lou Stassen, Fredrik Wagner, Lorenzo de Moor, Josh Burdett, Alex Mills, Polina Pushkareva, Ieva Segliņa, Elliott Wooster, Tom J. Benedict1945. Ein US-Militärflugzeug stürzt hinter feindlichen Linien mitten im Schwarzwald ab. Sofort schickt der skrupellose Major Johnson eine Gruppe Elitesoldaten los, um streng geheimes Material aus der Maschine zu bergen. Angeführt von Sergeant Brewer und dem geheimnisvollen Walsh macht die Einheit im Wald eine grausige Entdeckung: brutal erhängte Nazisoldaten, denen uralte, magische Symbole in die Körper geritzt worden sind. Damit beginnt für die Männer ein nicht enden wollender Albtraum, in dem sie von finsteren Mächten angegriffen und von mysteriösen Hexen um den Verstand gebracht werden. Diese hüten ein Geheimnis, das sogar den Ausgang des Zweiten Weltkriegs entscheidend beeinflussen könnte.
Schräger Mix aus Kriegsfilm und Okkulthorror mit Mickey Rourke.
1945. A U.S. military cargo plane loses control and violently crashes behind enemy lines in the middle of the German black forest. Major Johnson sends a squad of his bravest soldiers on a rescue mission to retrieve the top-secret material the plane was carrying, led by Sergeants Brewer and Walsh. They soon discover hanged Nazi soldiers and other dead bodies bearing ancient, magical symbols. Suddenly their compasses fail, their perceptions twist and straying from the group leads to profound horrors as they are attacked by a powerful, supernatural force.
1945. A U.S. military cargo plane loses control and violently crashes behind enemy lines in the middle of the German black forest. Major Johnson sends a squad of his bravest soldiers on a rescue mission to retrieve the top-secret material the plane was carrying, led by Sergeants Brewer and Walsh. They soon discover hanged Nazi soldiers and other dead bodies bearing ancient, magical symbols. Suddenly their compasses fail, their perceptions twist and straying from the group leads to profound horrors as they are attacked by a powerful, supernatural force.