Weathering With You - Das Mädchen, das die Sonne berührte
Makoto ShinkaiSchauspieler:
Kotaro Daigo, Nana Mori, Tsubasa Honda, Sakura Kiryu, Sei Hiraizumi, Yuki Kaji, Chieko Baisho, Shun Oguri, Sumi Shimamoto, Ryohei Kimura, Kana Hanazawa, Ayane Sakura, Kana Ichinose, Masako Nozawa, Hidekatsu Shibata, Ryunosuke KamikiOberschüler Hodaka zieht es von einer einsamen Insel in die Großstadt. Weil sein Leben einem Chaos gleicht und er große private Probleme hat, will er in Tokio sein Glück versuchen, doch das Leben dort ist teuer und sehr bald ist er pleite. Um Geld zu verdienen, heuert er als Redakteur bei einem okkulten Magazin an. Doch als er dort zu arbeiten beginnt, fällt ihm etwas auf: Seit seiner Ankunft in der Stadt, regnet es jeden Tag ununterbrochen. Da lernt er Hina kennen, die zusammen mit ihrem Bruder Nagi lebt. Schon bald erfährt Hodaka, dass sie über eine besondere Fähigkeit verfügt: Mit einem Gebet kann sie das Wetter manipulieren und den Himmel wieder aufklaren lassen, sodass die Stadt unter dem Sonnenlicht magisch glänzt. Was wie ein Geschenk wirkt, ist für Hina jedoch mit einer großen Last verbunden.
Animiertes Fantasydrama um eine junge Frau, die das Wetter beeinflussen kann – einmalig im Januar 2020 in den deutschen Kinos!
Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. At the same time, the orphaned Hina Amano also strives to find work to sustain herself and her younger brother. Both fates intertwine when Hodaka attempts to rescue Hina from shady men, deciding to run away together. Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it. With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most. Things begin looking up for them at first. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a hefty price...
Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. At the same time, the orphaned Hina Amano also strives to find work to sustain herself and her younger brother. Both fates intertwine when Hodaka attempts to rescue Hina from shady men, deciding to run away together. Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it. With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most. Things begin looking up for them at first. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a hefty price...