Wege einer Freundschaft
Gordie HaakstadSchauspieler:
Kevin Sorbo, Katie Sarife, Alejandro Rose-Garcia, Samuel Davis, Richard Dillard, Brittney Karbowski, Luci Christian, Wray Crawford, Devin Bonnée, Nicole Elliott, Cliff Stephens, Matthew Posey, Ray Prewitt, Yesenia Garcia, Elizabeth Duff, Trent MooreAufgewachsen ohne Mutter und verlassen vom Vater wuchs Hochschüler Seth in denkbaren schwierigen Umständen auf und spielt nebenbei noch den Ersatzvater für seine kleinen Schwestern. Als er aneinander gerät mit den Sportlern an seiner Schule, wird er verdonnert, dem Platzwart Abel zu assistieren. Der ist ein ehemaliges Football-As mit dunkler Vergangenheit und entdeckt das geistige und sportive Potential des Knaben. Seth jedoch ist hin- und hergerissen, versprechen doch die kriminellen Pläne des älteren Bruders schnelles Geld.
Jesus und Football, das Rückgrat der amerikanischen Kultur zwischen den sittenlosen Küstenstreifen, begleiten auch den jungen Helden dieses evangelikal eingefärbten, gleichwohl dramatisch ambitionierten und um realistische Milieuzeichnung bemühten Coming-of-Age-Dramas der durchschnittlichen Fernsehspiel-Budgetklasse. Starke Darstellungen der diversen Jungdarsteller, TV-Herkules Kevin Sorbo verbreitet als Mentor des Jünglings zarten prominenten Glanz.
Seth McArdle (Samuel Davis) is a high school senior with an especially full plate. Not only must he navigate the usual social and academic pitfalls of high school, but he has to contend with his young twin sisters, serving as de facto parent in the absence of his deceased mother and deadbeat father. The pressure mounts when the bank calls with a foreclosure warning, and Seth's frustrations spill over into various altercations with the school football team. An exasperated coach exiles Seth to work after school with Abel the eccentric groundskeeper (Kevin Sorbo). Their relationship starts off cold and rocky, but as the two spend more time together, they realize they have more in common than either thought. The downside: it's pretty much pain and sadness that they share. The upside: God loves them.
Seth McArdle (Samuel Davis) is a high school senior with an especially full plate. Not only must he navigate the usual social and academic pitfalls of high school, but he has to contend with his young twin sisters, serving as de facto parent in the absence of his deceased mother and deadbeat father. The pressure mounts when the bank calls with a foreclosure warning, and Seth's frustrations spill over into various altercations with the school football team. An exasperated coach exiles Seth to work after school with Abel the eccentric groundskeeper (Kevin Sorbo). Their relationship starts off cold and rocky, but as the two spend more time together, they realize they have more in common than either thought. The downside: it's pretty much pain and sadness that they share. The upside: God loves them.