Weihnachten in South Park
Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Mary Kay BergmanEs gibt keine schoenere Zeit im Jahr als Weihnachten, besonders in South Park. Darum hör auf mit deiner Familie zu streiten, versammelt euch um den Kamin und schaut diese klassischen South Park einige der beliebtesten Feiertagsklassiker singen, wie “Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo” und “Christmas Time in Hell”. Schau, wie die jungs die Weihnacht in den Irak bringen und erfahre, wie hart es ist, in der Weihnachtszeit juedisch zu sein. Weihnachten ist die Zeit, in der wir alle unsere Differenzen beiseite legen koennen und uns darauf komzentrieren, worum es eigentlich geht: Geschenke! Enthalten: Mr.Hankey der Weihnachtskot, Froehliche Weihnachten, Charlie Manson! Halleluja! Mr.Hankeys klassische Weihnachten …und keiner lacht zur Weihnachtszeit! Weihnachten im Irak: Blut & Wunder Bloeder die Kanadier… Weihnachten im Walde.
There's no better time of year than Christmas, especially in South Park. So, stop fighting with the family, gather 'round the fire and watch these classic South Park episodes. Join in as the citizens of South Park sing many of everyone's favorite holiday classics like, "Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo" and "Christmas Time in Hell". See the boys bring Christmas to Iraq and learn how hard it is to be a Jew during this holiday season. Christmas is a time when we all can put aside our differences and agree on what the holidays are really about: presents!
There's no better time of year than Christmas, especially in South Park. So, stop fighting with the family, gather 'round the fire and watch these classic South Park episodes. Join in as the citizens of South Park sing many of everyone's favorite holiday classics like, "Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo" and "Christmas Time in Hell". See the boys bring Christmas to Iraq and learn how hard it is to be a Jew during this holiday season. Christmas is a time when we all can put aside our differences and agree on what the holidays are really about: presents!