Weihnachtsglocken: Liebe in letzter Minute
Terri J. VaughnSchauspieler:
Raven Goodwin, Dominique Perry, Omar Gooding, Mark Taylor, Janet Hubert, John Amos, Jalene Mack, Tamsir Jasseh, Brian Jordan Jr., Jay DeVon Johnson, Tadasay Young, Jon W. Sparks, Dean West, Xena Zeit-Geist, Sherri Eakin, Omari DixonDelia und Porsha sind beste Freundinnen in den 30ern, im Job erfolgreich und single. Zu Beginn der Weihnachtszeit taucht ein gutaussehender Pastor auf. Es beginnt ein Wettstreit, der die Freundschaft der beiden auf eine harte Probe stellt. Nun liegt es an ihren Familien, sie daran zu erinnern, worum es in der Weihnachtszeit wirklich geht.
Despite being successful in their careers, two 30-something BFFs never stop hearing that they both need a man before it's too late. When a handsome pastor arrives just in time to kick off the Christmas season, both ladies try to make a move-but as their hilarious attempts to one up each other keep growing, it will be up to their family to remind them what the holiday season is truly about.
Despite being successful in their careers, two 30-something BFFs never stop hearing that they both need a man before it's too late. When a handsome pastor arrives just in time to kick off the Christmas season, both ladies try to make a move-but as their hilarious attempts to one up each other keep growing, it will be up to their family to remind them what the holiday season is truly about.