Weihnachtsmann wider Willen
Craig ZiskSchauspieler:
Kelsey Grammer, Charles Durning, Katherine Helmond, Elaine Hendrix, Ana Ortiz, Lupe Ontiveros, Wallace Shawn, Veena Sood, Lorena Gale, Colin Cunningham, Ray Galletti, Jennifer Spence, Mario Xavier, Brian Bedford, Luis Garcia, Brian MirandaDer alte Weihnachtsmann oder König Nicholas XX., wie er offiziell heißt, denkt ans Abdanken und möchte, dass sein Sohn Nick St. Nicholas das Zepter übernimmt. Doch der Thronfolger und Weihnachtsmann in spe hasst den Gedanken, in die Kälte zu ziehen und alle Jahre wieder die anstrengende Bescherung zu übernehmen. Er lässt sich viel lieber im schönen Miami die Sonne auf den Bauch scheinen und von hübschen Mädchen verwöhnen. Nicks betrügerische Verlobte Heidi überredet ihn schließlich zu einem gewagten Schritt: Internet-Weihnachten samt Online-Wohltätigkeit ohne jeglichen Arbeitsaufwand. Gesagt getan. Dumm nur, dass das dubiose Projekt schnell in die Schlagzeilen gerät und Weihnachten schließlich auszufallen droht.
Playboy-Weihnachtsmann Nick St. Nicholas bringt das Weihnachtsfest in Gefahr.
Kelsey Grammer stars as Nick St. Nicholas, a Miami-based playboy philanthropist who is about to make his life complete by wedding the girl of his dreams, gorgeous TV weathercaster Heidi Gardelle (Elaine Hendrix). Not known to the general public is that the profligate St. Nicholas is really the son of none other than Santa Claus (Charles Durning)--or, as the jolly old elf is known in this story, Nicholas XX. Expected to take over the "family business" at the North Pole before his father's power fades, Nick balks, choosing instead to remain in Miami, where he is about to launch his latest charity at the behest of his fiancee Heidi. By the time he realizes that his "dream girl" is actually a mercenary nightmare, Nick finds himself besieged by a vindictive INS agent (Colin Cunningham)--and racked with guilt over the gloomy fate awaiting his father and the North Pole toy factory.
Kelsey Grammer stars as Nick St. Nicholas, a Miami-based playboy philanthropist who is about to make his life complete by wedding the girl of his dreams, gorgeous TV weathercaster Heidi Gardelle (Elaine Hendrix). Not known to the general public is that the profligate St. Nicholas is really the son of none other than Santa Claus (Charles Durning)--or, as the jolly old elf is known in this story, Nicholas XX. Expected to take over the "family business" at the North Pole before his father's power fades, Nick balks, choosing instead to remain in Miami, where he is about to launch his latest charity at the behest of his fiancee Heidi. By the time he realizes that his "dream girl" is actually a mercenary nightmare, Nick finds himself besieged by a vindictive INS agent (Colin Cunningham)--and racked with guilt over the gloomy fate awaiting his father and the North Pole toy factory.