Weiter als der Mond
Stijn ConinxSchauspieler:
Huub Stapel, Johanna ter Steege, Anneke Blok, Annet Malherbe, Neeltje de Vree, Nyk Runia, Yannic Pieters, Julia Van Lisenburg, Isabel Leur, Kees Hulst, Michiel Beurskens, Marisa Van Eyle, Jappe Claes, Betty Schuurman, Valentijn Vermeer, Dirk RoofthooftEnde der 60er Jahre in einem kleinen Dorf in Holland: Während sich die neunjährige Caro (Neeltje de Vree) auf ihre Kommunion vorbereitet, fiebern die restlichen Anwohner aufgeregt der bevorstehenden Mondlandung des Raumschiffs Apollo 11 entgegen.Als Caro zufällig beobachtet, wie sich ihr Vater heimlich betrinkt, schließt sie mit ihm kurzentschlossen einen Vertrag: Sie überwindet ihre panische Angst vor Wasser und lernt schwimmen, wenn er dafür keinen Tropfen Alkohol mehr anrührt. Doch so einfach ist das Versprechen nicht einzuhalten.
Familienfilm, der von den Erlebnissen einer Neunjährigen in Holland zur Zeit der ersten Mondlandung Ende der 60er Jahre handelt.
1969. Nine-year old Caro lives on a pig farm in a small town with her four other siblings and another on the way. She is curious and determined to understand the mysteries of the world around her. But her devout catholic father can't explain the new world and her mother is too busy for philosophy so she converses to God. One day at school she is horrified to learn that man will soon set foot on the moon. In her eyes it's not possible that God would allow anyone to get so close to Heaven. Her clowning father agrees and, unable to cope with modern-day progress, hits the bottle. Caro is preparing for her first holy communion to become 'a bride of God' but before that she seals a pact with her father to overcome her fear of swimming in exchange, he will not touch a drop of alcohol.
1969. Nine-year old Caro lives on a pig farm in a small town with her four other siblings and another on the way. She is curious and determined to understand the mysteries of the world around her. But her devout catholic father can't explain the new world and her mother is too busy for philosophy so she converses to God. One day at school she is horrified to learn that man will soon set foot on the moon. In her eyes it's not possible that God would allow anyone to get so close to Heaven. Her clowning father agrees and, unable to cope with modern-day progress, hits the bottle. Caro is preparing for her first holy communion to become 'a bride of God' but before that she seals a pact with her father to overcome her fear of swimming in exchange, he will not touch a drop of alcohol.