Wenn die Glocke 13 schlägt
Xavier VillaverdeSchauspieler:
Juan Diego Botto, Luis Tosar, Marta Etura , Elvira Mínguez, Laura Mañá, Rosa Álvarez, Diogo Infante, Gonzalo Uriarte, Ernesto Chao, José Luis Ferrer, David ÁlvarezDer junge Künstler Jacobo musste bereits als Kind mit ansehen wie sein Vater, auf mysteriöse Art und Weise, ums Leben kommt! Jahre später reist er in seine alte Heimat zurück, weil seine Mutter schwer krank in ein Irrenhaus eingeliefert wurde. Dort angekommen vermag Jacobo plötzlich die Stimme seines verstorbenen Vaters zu hören. Er befiehlt ihm das angefange Werk aus Ton, welches der Vater vor seinem Tod begonnen hatte, zu vollenden, ansonsten sterben alle Menschen um ihn herum. Jacobo versucht den mysteriösen Ereignissen auf den Grund zu gehen!
Jacobo is a young sculptor that returns to native city, Santiago of Compostela, to see his mother, locked up a psychiatric hospital for to kill to her husband, when he believed she dead years ago. To their arrival, visions of Mateo, his dead father eighteen years ago, begin to persecute to him, since his father died by shot gun, peculiarly, when thirteen peals sounded in the cathedral, fact what obsesses to Jacobo. After watching several times, Mateo convinces his son to make the work for the cathedral that his father couldn't finish in life, but what begins as a simple work becomes a madness spiral when Jacobo discovers the true intentions of the ghost of his father: to kill to his son to usurp his body to finish the statue, and after to return to the life.
Jacobo is a young sculptor that returns to native city, Santiago of Compostela, to see his mother, locked up a psychiatric hospital for to kill to her husband, when he believed she dead years ago. To their arrival, visions of Mateo, his dead father eighteen years ago, begin to persecute to him, since his father died by shot gun, peculiarly, when thirteen peals sounded in the cathedral, fact what obsesses to Jacobo. After watching several times, Mateo convinces his son to make the work for the cathedral that his father couldn't finish in life, but what begins as a simple work becomes a madness spiral when Jacobo discovers the true intentions of the ghost of his father: to kill to his son to usurp his body to finish the statue, and after to return to the life.