Wenn wir uns begegnen
Sigi RothemundSchauspieler:
Uwe Kockisch, Muriel Baumeister, Stephan Kampwirth, Rosemarie Fendel, Michael Gwisdek, Brigitte Böttrich, Anian Zollner, Hildegard Alex, Barbara Focke, Esther Zimmering, Michael Lott, Pegah Ferydoni, Karl Alexander Seidel, Adelheid Kleineidam, Johannes Herrschmann, Holger DaemgenEs ist der 24. Dezember: In der Notaufnahme eines Kreisrankenhauses bereitet man sich auf eine turbulente Nacht vor: Chefarzt Professor Singer, der seine Frau verloren hat und sich seither noch mehr in die Arbeit stürzt, und die Chirurgin Hannah Cornelsen, die über die Arbeit vergessen kann, dass sie und ihr Mann sich auseinandergelebt haben. Das Krankenhaus wird an Heiligabend zu einem Mikrokosmos, in dem unterschiedlichste Menschen und Schicksale aufeinandertreffen - und für alle wird am kommenden Morgen das Leben in einem völlig anderen Licht erscheinen.
It's the 24th of December: The emergency department of a district hospital is preparing for a turbulent night: head physician Professor Singer, who has lost his wife and is even more involved in the work, and the surgeon Hannah Cornelsen, who talks about the work can forget that she and her husband have dwelt apart. On Christmas Eve, the hospital will become a microcosm in which a wide variety of people and destinies will meet - and for everyone, life will be in a completely different light next morning.
It's the 24th of December: The emergency department of a district hospital is preparing for a turbulent night: head physician Professor Singer, who has lost his wife and is even more involved in the work, and the surgeon Hannah Cornelsen, who talks about the work can forget that she and her husband have dwelt apart. On Christmas Eve, the hospital will become a microcosm in which a wide variety of people and destinies will meet - and for everyone, life will be in a completely different light next morning.