Wer früher stirbt ist länger tot
Marcus H. RosenmüllerSchauspieler:
Markus Krojer, Fritz Karl, Jürgen Tonkel, Jule Ronstedt, Saskia Vester, Franz Xaver Brückner, Hans Schuler, Heinz-Josef Braun, Tim Seyfi, Pia Lautenbacher, Klaus Steinbacher, Johanna Bittenbinder, Monika Manz, Alexander Liegl, Stefanie von Poser, Arnd SchimkatDer elfjährige Sebastian (Markus Krojer) aus dem idyllischen Voralpenland glaubt, er sei Schuld am Tod seiner Mutter. Weil die ja bei seiner Geburt starb. Um trotzdem noch in den Himmel kommen zu können, muss er also eine mächtig gute Tat begehen. Und die könnte zum Beispiel darin bestehen, dem alleinerziehenden Vater Lorenz (Fritz Karl) eine neue Frau zu beschaffen. Beim dörflichen Stammtisch holt sich Sebastian das dafür nötige Know-how.
Ludwig Thoma lässt aus der Ferne schön grüßen, wenn ein furchtloser Dreikäsehoch das Kuppeleidiplom mit Bravour besteht in einem prallen Familienschwank mit Heimatfilm-touch.
In this black comedy set in small-town Bavaria, 11-year-old Sebastian thinks you can never be too young to be a murderer. He's convinced that he killed his mother on the day he was born and is certain he's already been condemned to purgatory. Deciding he might be able to knock off a few years of his sentence by doing good deeds, Sebastian sets out to find a wife for his father Lorenz. When Lorenz and Sebastian's schoolteacher Veronika fall madly in love with each other, it seems the heavens must be smiling. There's just one hitch: Veronika is married.
In this black comedy set in small-town Bavaria, 11-year-old Sebastian thinks you can never be too young to be a murderer. He's convinced that he killed his mother on the day he was born and is certain he's already been condemned to purgatory. Deciding he might be able to knock off a few years of his sentence by doing good deeds, Sebastian sets out to find a wife for his father Lorenz. When Lorenz and Sebastian's schoolteacher Veronika fall madly in love with each other, it seems the heavens must be smiling. There's just one hitch: Veronika is married.