Wer's glaubt wird selig
Marcus H. RosenmüllerSchauspieler:
Christian Ulmen, Marie Leuenberger, Nikolaus Paryla, Lisa Potthoff, Fahri Yardim, Hannelore Elsner, Simon Schwarz, Maximilian Schafroth, Jürgen Tonkel, Johannes Herrschmann, Gerhard Wittmann, Billie Zöckler, Hubert Mulzer, Max von Thun, Katharina Leipfinger, Marlene MorreisNordlicht Georg hat es der Liebe wegen in den bayerischen Skiort Hollerbach verschlagen. Doch weil dort nun schon seit Jahren der Schnee ausbleibt, ist nicht nur die Existenz der Dorfbewohner bedroht, auch Georgs Eheleben wird dadurch in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Da bringt ausgerechnet der ebenso tragische wie kuriose Tod der Schwiegermutter die rettende Idee: Man könnte die Verstorbene heilig sprechen lassen und Hollerbach so in einen Wallfahrtsort verwandeln. Doch dazu benötigt man ein Wunder, am besten sogar zwei.
"Wer früher stirbt, ist länger tot"-Kultfilmer Marcus H. Rosenmüller besinnt sich seiner Anfänge und findet mit dieser wahrhaft göttlichen Komödie zu alter Stärke zurück.
The snow is staying away from the Bavarian ski village of Haunzenberg, and so are the skiers. Business is failing and so is Georg's relationship with Emilie. During his attempt to reignite the fires of passion, the wooden cross in the next room falls down, crushing Emilie's very Catholic mother Daisy. Wracked with guilt, Georg and his drinking buddies hatch a plan to have Daisy canonized by the Church, hoping to save both the village and his relationship. Everything goes according to plan until the Vatican sends a Priest to examine the miracles of Saint Daisy... Written by Anthony Parkhurst
The snow is staying away from the Bavarian ski village of Haunzenberg, and so are the skiers. Business is failing and so is Georg's relationship with Emilie. During his attempt to reignite the fires of passion, the wooden cross in the next room falls down, crushing Emilie's very Catholic mother Daisy. Wracked with guilt, Georg and his drinking buddies hatch a plan to have Daisy canonized by the Church, hoping to save both the village and his relationship. Everything goes according to plan until the Vatican sends a Priest to examine the miracles of Saint Daisy... Written by Anthony Parkhurst