Westwärts zieht der Wind
Joshua LoganSchauspieler:
Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, Jean Seberg, Ray Walston, Harve Presnell, Tom Ligon, Alan Dexter, Terry Jenkins, Paula Trueman, H.B. Haggerty, Benny Baker, William O'Connell, Geoffrey Norman, Robert Easton, Alan Baxter, Karl BruckEin liebenswürdiger junger Mann schließt während des kalifornischen Goldrauschs eine Partnerschaft mit dem raubeinigen Globetrotter Ben Rumson, der während ihrer Suche unterwegs die hübsche Elizabeth ehelicht, in die sich dann wiederum auch sein Partner verguckt. Elizabeth schlägt daraufhin eine Menage à trois vor.
In einer kalifornischen Stadt suchen Goldgräber nach dem ersehnten Reichtum.
A Michigan farmer and a prospector form a partnership in the California gold country. Their adventures include buying and sharing a wife, hijacking a stage, kidnapping six prostitutes, and turning their mining camp into a boom town. Along the way there is plenty of drinking, gambling, and singing. They even find time to do some creative gold mining.
A Michigan farmer and a prospector form a partnership in the California gold country. Their adventures include buying and sharing a wife, hijacking a stage, kidnapping six prostitutes, and turning their mining camp into a boom town. Along the way there is plenty of drinking, gambling, and singing. They even find time to do some creative gold mining.