Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Glenn Ficarra, John RequaSchauspieler:
Alfred Molina, Martin Freeman, Tina Fey, Margot RobbieKim fühlt sich in ihrer bürgerlichen amerikanischen Existenz gefangen. Der Beruf der Journalistin ist langweiliger, als er klingt, und ihr Freund ödet sie sowieso an. Was kann sie also tun, um wieder etwas Aufregung in ihr Leben zu bringen? Sie lässt sich zur Kriegsberichterstatterin ernennen und reist nach Afghanistan.
In 2002, cable news producer Kim Barker (Tina Fey) decides to shake up her routine by taking a daring new assignment in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dislodged from her comfortable American lifestyle, Barker finds herself in the middle of an out-of-control war zone. Luckily, she meets Tanya Vanderpoel (Margot Robbie), a fellow journalist who takes the shellshocked reporter under her wing. Amid the militants, warlords and nighttime partying, Barker discovers the key to becoming a successful correspondent.
In 2002, cable news producer Kim Barker (Tina Fey) decides to shake up her routine by taking a daring new assignment in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dislodged from her comfortable American lifestyle, Barker finds herself in the middle of an out-of-control war zone. Luckily, she meets Tanya Vanderpoel (Margot Robbie), a fellow journalist who takes the shellshocked reporter under her wing. Amid the militants, warlords and nighttime partying, Barker discovers the key to becoming a successful correspondent.