White Pillow
Tobias KerllSchauspieler:
Dunja Bengsch, Michael Gaedt, Ronja Peters, Olaf Krätke, Daniela Schwerdt, Carolin Dietrich, Hannah Valentin, Rene Bauer, Franziska Beck, Dagmar Claus, Mika Metz, Oliver Müller, Annabel Sarah, Jessica M. Kunz, Michael Valentin, Nikolai WillAls Leonie, Emmas Kollegin und beste Freundin, stirbt, muss sie die Nachtwache im Krankenhaus übernehmen. Emma glaubt nicht daran, dass Leonie Selbstmord begangen hat, wie alle annehmen, also versucht sie, sich selbst zu untersuchen. Dabei findet sie Leonies Tagebuch, in dem Berichte über verschiedene Begegnungen übernatürlicher Art dokumentiert sind. Und alle sind eng verbunden mit Friedrich Grau, einem Unternehmer, der bei dem Selbstmord seiner kleinen Tochter in einen vegetativen Zustand fiel.
When Leonie, Emmas colleague and best friend, dies, she has to take over the nightwatch in the hospital. Emma doesn't believe in Leonie having committed suicide, as everybody assumes, so she tries to investigate herself. Doing that, she finds Leonies diary that documents reports of various encounters of supernatural kind. And all are closely connected to Friedrich Grau, an entrepreneur, who fell in vegetative state, when his little daughter committed suicide.
When Leonie, Emmas colleague and best friend, dies, she has to take over the nightwatch in the hospital. Emma doesn't believe in Leonie having committed suicide, as everybody assumes, so she tries to investigate herself. Doing that, she finds Leonies diary that documents reports of various encounters of supernatural kind. And all are closely connected to Friedrich Grau, an entrepreneur, who fell in vegetative state, when his little daughter committed suicide.