White Wall
James BossSchauspieler:
Michael Teh, John Klemantaski, Nevin Millan, Walid Amini, Bart Fletcher, Mircea Radu, James Boss, Gary Kohn, Aurelie Kyinn, Hugh Mason, Eddie Kaulukukui, Christopher Guyton, Gabriel Womack, Albert Marrero Jr., Ping Lam Siu, Joseph TuccioEin Virus hat die Menschheit bis auf klägliche Reste dezimiert. Jetzt vegetieren die Überlebenden in einem ummauerten, vier Städte umfassenden Areal und ächzen unter dem Joch einer Militärdiktatur, gegen die sich in den Randgebieten Widerstand in Form marodierender Gangs regt. Der gesetzestreue Jüngling Shawn soll den Rebellenführer Jude Black aufspüren, mit dem er einst die Schulbank im Kinderlager drückte. Gemeinsam mit dem Kopfgeldjäger Dragon begibt er sich auf eine gefahrvolle Suche, in deren Verlauf interessante Enthüllungen warten.
In the near future, everything has changed. Basic human rights have become the rarest of luxuries. No one knows when this started but everyone knows how. The VXII, the deadliest virus ever created, spread like wildfire and decimated the majority of the world's population. The non-infected survivors now cling to life in four quarantined cities behind a wall. Shawn Kors and his brother, Jude, survived the VXII only to grow up in a squalid internment camp for orphaned children. Under the care of the militia, they were pitted against other children in backwoods death matches. Shawn, Jude, and the few who escaped became notorious for their incredible fighting skills. They have since parted ways. Shawn now makes a comfortable living as a janitor at the local medic station. He spends his days dreaming of curing the VXII. When Shawn discovers the discarded body of a fellow internment camp friend, he is forced out of hiding and pulled into a rabbit hole of conspiracy and violence.
In the near future, everything has changed. Basic human rights have become the rarest of luxuries. No one knows when this started but everyone knows how. The VXII, the deadliest virus ever created, spread like wildfire and decimated the majority of the world's population. The non-infected survivors now cling to life in four quarantined cities behind a wall. Shawn Kors and his brother, Jude, survived the VXII only to grow up in a squalid internment camp for orphaned children. Under the care of the militia, they were pitted against other children in backwoods death matches. Shawn, Jude, and the few who escaped became notorious for their incredible fighting skills. They have since parted ways. Shawn now makes a comfortable living as a janitor at the local medic station. He spends his days dreaming of curing the VXII. When Shawn discovers the discarded body of a fellow internment camp friend, he is forced out of hiding and pulled into a rabbit hole of conspiracy and violence.