Wild Country
Craig StrachanSchauspieler:
Samantha Shields, Martin Compston, Peter Capaldi, Alan McHugh, Kevin Quinn, Nicola Muldoon, Jamie Quinn, Karen Fraser, Tracey Robertson, Jordan Young, Karen Coleman, Josh Irwin, Sarah HeaneyNachdem Kelly Ann, ein Teenager aus Glasgow, ihr frisch geborenes Baby zur Adoption freigeben musste, beschließt sie mit Freunden zum Campen in die schottischen Highlands zu fahren. Unangemeldet stößt ihr Ex Lee zur Gruppe, um deren Beziehung wiederaufleben zu lassen. Als sie in den Ruinen eines alten Schlosses ein verlassenes Baby entdecken und versuchen dieses zu retten, ist ihnen alsbald ein blutrünstiges, werwolfähnliches Monster auf den Fersen. Schon bald realisiert die gejagte Gruppe, dass es nur einen Ausweg gibt: Den Tod der Bestie...
Wild Country is a low budget British horror film which was shot on location in and around Glasgow, Scotland in October.The cast was made up of mostly unknown actors with the exception of Martin Compston and a cameo appearance by Peter Capaldi. The budget of the film was an estimated £1 million. The film was released in selected cinemas in Scotland in February 2006. The film was also screened at film festivals worldwide, including the Cannes Film Festival and the London FrightFest Film Festival. The film will get a 2007 release in the U.S. due to Lionsgate.
Wild Country is a low budget British horror film which was shot on location in and around Glasgow, Scotland in October.The cast was made up of mostly unknown actors with the exception of Martin Compston and a cameo appearance by Peter Capaldi. The budget of the film was an estimated £1 million. The film was released in selected cinemas in Scotland in February 2006. The film was also screened at film festivals worldwide, including the Cannes Film Festival and the London FrightFest Film Festival. The film will get a 2007 release in the U.S. due to Lionsgate.