Wild Mustang
Monty MirandaSchauspieler:
Alison Eastwood, Daryl Hannah, Jim Neubert, Luke Neubert, Julia PutnamLange vor der Besiedlung durch den Menschen zogen die Pferde in riesigen Herden über den amerikanischen Kontinent, nur um dann spurlos zu verschwinden und erst Zehntausende von Jahren später zurück zu kehren als mobiler Untersatz der europäischen Eroberer der Neuen Welt. Die Indianer nahmen das Geschenk dankend an, und auch die Besiedlung des Westens durch die Pioniere wäre ohne den Mustang schlecht möglich gewesen. Den überlebenden Wildpferden aber dankt es der Mensch schlecht.
Engagiertes Plädoyer für den Schutz des amerikanischen Wildpferdes und den Erhalt seiner akut bedrohten letzten Lebensräume in Gestalt einer um unaufdringliche Spielszenen ergänzten Filmdokumentation. Auf unterhaltsame Weise erfährt der Zuschauer Wissenswertes über die Geschichte des Pferdes, seine Bedeutung in der amerikanischen Kultur, und die Interessen derer, die seine Existent bedrohen (Hundefutterfabrikanten!). Gute Sache für Tier- und Naturfreunde.
Fueled by stunning footage, this stirring documentary considers wild horses' role in the American psyche and their dwindling numbers in today's West. In an artful blend of exquisite nature documentary and character-driven narrative, the majestic wild horses of the American West are revealed in stereoscopic 3D as never before. The wonder in a girl’s eye pulls us into the drama that unfolds on hundreds of millions of acres of public land. The battle lines have long been carved into the landscape, and the players are deeply entrenched. Yet as the subtle choreography that has evolved over thousands of years begins, we are captivated. The intricate dance between a man and a wild horse presents lessons for us all, even the battle-hardened special interest groups fighting for the place of the AMERICAN MUSTANG.
Fueled by stunning footage, this stirring documentary considers wild horses' role in the American psyche and their dwindling numbers in today's West. In an artful blend of exquisite nature documentary and character-driven narrative, the majestic wild horses of the American West are revealed in stereoscopic 3D as never before. The wonder in a girl’s eye pulls us into the drama that unfolds on hundreds of millions of acres of public land. The battle lines have long been carved into the landscape, and the players are deeply entrenched. Yet as the subtle choreography that has evolved over thousands of years begins, we are captivated. The intricate dance between a man and a wild horse presents lessons for us all, even the battle-hardened special interest groups fighting for the place of the AMERICAN MUSTANG.