Willkommen in Siegheilkirchen
Marcus H. Rosenmüller, Santiago Lopez JoverSchauspieler:
Erwin Steinhauer, Markus Freistätter, Gerti Drassl, Mario Canedo, Roland Düringer, Susi Stach, Katharina Straßer, Adele Neuhauser, Wolfgang Böck, Branko Samarovski, Thomas Stipsits, Gregor Seberg, Juergen MaurerEin Jugendlicher wächst in den 60er-Jahren in einem erzkatholischen österreichischen Dorf auf und hat mit den dortigen Gepflogenheiten zu kämpfen, vor allem mit der weit verbreiteten Heuchelei und Doppelmoral.
Biographischer Animationsfilm über den österreichischen Karikaturisten, Grafiker und Cartoonisten Manfred Deix, der auf dessen Zeichnungen basiert.
1960's Siegheilkirchen, a small town in the Austrian hinterland is steeped in reactionary and ultra-Catholic attitudes. The son of a hard-working innkeeper and his wife, called Snotty Boy by all and sundry, is at odds with the narrow-minded confines of his home town. But his unstoppable talent for drawing gives him an outlet for his discontent.
1960's Siegheilkirchen, a small town in the Austrian hinterland is steeped in reactionary and ultra-Catholic attitudes. The son of a hard-working innkeeper and his wife, called Snotty Boy by all and sundry, is at odds with the narrow-minded confines of his home town. But his unstoppable talent for drawing gives him an outlet for his discontent.