IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.4 /10 (56)
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Wim Wenders - Von einem der Auszog



Marcel Wehn


Wim Wenders, Bruno Ganz, Lisa Kreuzer, Robby Müller, Peter Przygodda, Rüdiger Vogler, Donata Wenders, Heinz Badewitz, Helmut Färber, Peter Handke, Edda Köchl, Yella Rottländer, Ulrike Sachweh
Als “berufsmäßiger Reisender” bezeichnet sich Wim Wenders, der beständig produktive und renommierte deutsche Autorenfilmer von Weltrang. Und dementsprechend gerne inszeniert er Roadmovies – Sinnsuchen und Entdeckungsfahrten jenseits eines konformistischen Lebens. In den 60er Jahren begann Wenders als Autor des Jungen Deutschen Films, erlangte mit “Der amerikanische Freund” den internationalen Durchbruch, der ihm eine Schaffensphase in den USA bescherte. Dokumentarfilm über Wim Wenders, die mehr dem Menschen denn seinem Werk gewidmet ist.

The early films of Wim Wenders are now regarded as landmarks of European film. Alice in the Cities, Wrong Move and Kings of the Road became foundations of the German New Wave and cemented the reputation of their director. In One Who Set Forth: Wim Wenders' Early Years Marcel Wehn explores the background to these films. Through personal recollection and rare home movie footage, it documents the director's early life, from experiments with his first camera, via his deviation from a career in medicine in favour of art and film, through to international recognition for the Road Trilogy. Central to these were themes that became cornerstones of all his work: national identity, the importance of personal relationships and the allure of the road. With contributions from the director and the many collaborators who helped define his vision, One Who Set Forth is a compelling account of Wim Wenders' life and work.
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    Mirror 1 | 16.12.2017 - Wim.Wenders.Von.einem.der.Auszog.German.2007.DOKU.DVDRiP.XviD-XF

    Summary & Details

    Als “berufsmäßiger Reisender” bezeichnet sich Wim Wenders, der beständig produktive und renommierte deutsche Autorenfilmer von Weltrang. Und dementsprechend gerne inszeniert er Roadmovies – Sinnsuchen und Entdeckungsfahrten jenseits eines konformistischen Lebens. In den 60er Jahren begann Wenders als Autor des Jungen Deutschen Films, erlangte mit “Der amerikanische Freund” den internationalen Durchbruch, der ihm eine Schaffensphase in den USA bescherte. Dokumentarfilm über Wim Wenders, die mehr dem Menschen denn seinem Werk gewidmet ist.

    The early films of Wim Wenders are now regarded as landmarks of European film. Alice in the Cities, Wrong Move and Kings of the Road became foundations of the German New Wave and cemented the reputation of their director. In One Who Set Forth: Wim Wenders' Early Years Marcel Wehn explores the background to these films. Through personal recollection and rare home movie footage, it documents the director's early life, from experiments with his first camera, via his deviation from a career in medicine in favour of art and film, through to international recognition for the Road Trilogy. Central to these were themes that became cornerstones of all his work: national identity, the importance of personal relationships and the allure of the road. With contributions from the director and the many collaborators who helped define his vision, One Who Set Forth is a compelling account of Wim Wenders' life and work.


    ~96 Min.

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    Marcel Wehn


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts