Martin GypkensSchauspieler:
Karina Plachetka, Holger Handtke, Brigitte Hobmeier, Knut Berger, Patrick Güldenberg, Rike Schmid, Tom Jahn, Jannek Petri, Lars Löllmann, Rüdiger Rudolph, Sebastian Songin, Lila Lehner, Oliver Bokern, Sebastian Reiß, Franziska Helmig, Johannes Oliver HammEpisodenartige Beobachtung von mehreren 20 bis 25 Jährigen, die konfrontiert werden mit allerlei Ängsten und Wünschen in Beruf, Studium, Beziehung und Alltag. Im Mittelpunkt: Florian, der nach Berlin geht, um zu studieren. Auf einer Party lernt er die anderen kennen: Till zum Beispiel, der einen Film produzieren will. Oder dessen schöne Freundin Petronella, die mit Florian ins Bett geht...
A summer trip to Berlin offers a fleeting glimpse into the lives of the country's youth in this vibrant, character-driven drama from director Martin Gypkens. When twentysomething Florian arrives in town to pay a visit to long-lost pal Pit, the duo quickly reminisce before heading out to a party. Soon meeting up with many of Pit's acquaintances, the film follows various intersecting lives as they are woven to create an intricate, microcosmic look at life's ups and downs as seen through the eyes of Germany's youth.
A summer trip to Berlin offers a fleeting glimpse into the lives of the country's youth in this vibrant, character-driven drama from director Martin Gypkens. When twentysomething Florian arrives in town to pay a visit to long-lost pal Pit, the duo quickly reminisce before heading out to a party. Soon meeting up with many of Pit's acquaintances, the film follows various intersecting lives as they are woven to create an intricate, microcosmic look at life's ups and downs as seen through the eyes of Germany's youth.