Wir sind was wir sind
Jorge Michel GrauSchauspieler:
Paulina Gaitán, Francisco Barreiro, Alan Chávez, Carmen Beato, Adrián Aguirre, Miriam Balderas, Jorge Zárate, Esteban Soberanes, Miguel Ángel Hoppe, Noe Hernandez, Octavio Michel, Humberto Yañez, Darwin Enahudy, Alejandro Faugier, Elida Contreras, Juan Carlos ColomboEin Mann bricht auf der Straße zusammen und stirbt. Der Tod des Oberhauptes stürzt seine Familie, bestehend aus Ehefrau, einer Tochter und zwei Söhnen, in eine Krise. Wer soll für den Lebensunterhalt der Familie sorgen und Essen auf den Tisch bringen? Der älteste Sohn wehrt sich zunächst, in die Fußstapfen des Vater zu treten. Doch nach und nach drängen ihn seine Geschwister dazu, in den düstersten Ecken der Stadt Jagd auf Menschen zu machen. Denn schließlich besteht die Familie aus Kannibalen.
Mehr bedrückendes Sozialdrama als Horrorfilm, erzählt der Film anhand einer modernen Familie von Kannibalen, von der Verwahrlosung der urbanen Gesellschaft.
A middle-aged man dies in the street, leaving his widow and three children destitute. The devastated family is confronted not only with his loss but with a terrible challenge - how to survive. For they are cannibals. They have always existed on a diet of human flesh consumed in bloody ritual ceremonies... and the victims have always been provided by the father. Now that he is gone, who will hunt? Who will lead them? How will they sate their horrific hunger? The task falls to the eldest son, Alfredo, a teenage misfit who seems far from ready to accept the challenge... But without human meat the family will die.
A middle-aged man dies in the street, leaving his widow and three children destitute. The devastated family is confronted not only with his loss but with a terrible challenge - how to survive. For they are cannibals. They have always existed on a diet of human flesh consumed in bloody ritual ceremonies... and the victims have always been provided by the father. Now that he is gone, who will hunt? Who will lead them? How will they sate their horrific hunger? The task falls to the eldest son, Alfredo, a teenage misfit who seems far from ready to accept the challenge... But without human meat the family will die.