Wo kein Schatten fällt
Esther BialasSchauspieler:
Valerie Stoll, Milena Tscharntke, Sebastian Hülk, Rick Okon, Alissa Wilms, Godehard Giese, Sascha Alexander Geršak, Simone Geißler, Maximilian BeckDie vierzehnjährige Hanna kehrt für die Sommerferien in ihr Heimatdorf zurück, das abgeschottet hinter dem Moor liegt. Die eingeschworene Dorfgemeinschaft begegnet Hanna mit Misstrauen, denn mittlerweile sieht sie ihrer verschwundenen Mutter auffällig ähnlich. Diese war als Hexe verschrien und hat angeblich drei Männer in den Tod gelockt. Mit Hannas Rückkehr wird die alte Geschichte wieder gegenwärtig und befördert tief Vergrabenes zutage. Alleine versucht Hanna sich dem entgegen zu stellen, bis plötzlich die selbstbewusste Eva vor ihr steht. In ihr findet Hanna endlich das Gegenstück, das ihr gefehlt hat.
Im Dorf hingegen häufen sich die seltsamen Ereignisse: Menschen verschwinden, Tiere sterben und mysteriöse Unfälle suchen die Dorfbewohner heim.
Ein fesselnder Mystery-Thriller aus dem Nachwuchsprogramm "Nordlichter" in Zusammenarbeit mit dem NDR.
After three years at boarding school, Hanna is returning home to her little village to help her father's butcher’s shop during her break. Soon she learns that she is not welcome in the village. Everyone remembers the horrific news story about her mother’s death which was followed by the discovery of three dead men in the marsh. Superstition rules the village and everyone believes her mother was a witch that lured the men into the marsh directly to their death. While struggling to make friends, she meets extroverted city girl Eva. Thinking she has finally found a friend, Hanna’s confidence, and with that her "power", starts to grow, while scary accidents begin to happen around her.
After three years at boarding school, Hanna is returning home to her little village to help her father's butcher’s shop during her break. Soon she learns that she is not welcome in the village. Everyone remembers the horrific news story about her mother’s death which was followed by the discovery of three dead men in the marsh. Superstition rules the village and everyone believes her mother was a witch that lured the men into the marsh directly to their death. While struggling to make friends, she meets extroverted city girl Eva. Thinking she has finally found a friend, Hanna’s confidence, and with that her "power", starts to grow, while scary accidents begin to happen around her.