Wolf Creek 2
Greg McleanSchauspieler:
John Jarratt, Ryan Corr, Shannon Ashlyn, Philippe KlausDie deutschen Rucksacktouristen Katarina und Rutger wollen das "echte" Australien kennenlernen und campen im einsamen Wolf Creek National Park. Unglücklicherweise ist dies auch das Jagdgebiet von Mick Taylor, einem psychopathischen Serien-Mörder, der schon zahlreiche Backpacker auf dem Gewissen hat. Auch Surfer Paul gerät ins Visier des Killers. Er macht Bekanntschaft mit Micks Folterkeller, und ist dort dessen sadistischen Spielchen ausgeliefert. Ein gnadenloser Horror-Trip im australischen Outback nimmt seinen Lauf - kann irgendjemand diesem Albtraum entkommen?
Lured by the promise of an Australian holiday, backpackers Rutger, Katarina, and Paul visit the notorious Wolf Creek Crater. Their dream Outback adventure soon becomes a horrific reality when they encounter the site’s most infamous local, the last man any traveler to the region ever wants to meet; Mick Taylor (John Jarratt). As the backpackers flee, Mick pursues them on an epic white knuckled rampage across hostile wasteland. Only one will remain to be dragged back to his lair to witness the true magnitude of his monstrosity. And if the last man standing is to have any hope of surviving where no one else has survived before, he’ll have to use every ounce of cunning to outwit the man behind the monster and become every bit as ruthless as the monster inside the man.
Lured by the promise of an Australian holiday, backpackers Rutger, Katarina, and Paul visit the notorious Wolf Creek Crater. Their dream Outback adventure soon becomes a horrific reality when they encounter the site’s most infamous local, the last man any traveler to the region ever wants to meet; Mick Taylor (John Jarratt). As the backpackers flee, Mick pursues them on an epic white knuckled rampage across hostile wasteland. Only one will remain to be dragged back to his lair to witness the true magnitude of his monstrosity. And if the last man standing is to have any hope of surviving where no one else has survived before, he’ll have to use every ounce of cunning to outwit the man behind the monster and become every bit as ruthless as the monster inside the man.