WuDang - Auf der Jagd nach dem magischen Schwert
Patrick LeungSchauspieler:
Vincent Zhao, Yang Mi, Xu Jiao, Fan Siu-Wong, Dennis To Yue-Hong, Paw Hee-Ching, Henry Fong Ping, Shaun Tam Chun-YinIm China des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts jagen Wissenschaftler, Gauner und Abenteurer gleichermaßen einen mysteriösen siebenteiligen Schatz, der dem, der alle Teile vereint, unendliche Macht und Reichtum verspricht. Die Spur führt zu einem Shaolin-Kloster in den Wudang-Bergen, wo justament ein großes Kung-Fu-Turnier ausgefochten wird. Mehrere Schatzjäger mischen sich unter die Teilnehmer, um nebenbei die Gegend nach Schätzen zu durchforsten. Dabei kommt es zu den unterschiedlichsten Konfrontationen und Bündnissen.
Kostüm-Actionabenteuer vor den Kulissen der 20er Jahre um einen Abenteuerarchäologen à la Indiana Jones, der mit seiner Tochter einem Schatz hinterher jagt. Im Mittelpunkt der Ermittlungen steht praktischerweise ein Kampfsportturnier, und wie durch Zufall sind alle Beteiligten Top-Kung-Fu-Experten. Typisches Retroactionvergnügen à la Hongkong mit alberner Story, viel zu modernen Typen und Dialogen, aber jeder Menge Action und reizvollem Effektflitter. Für Asia-Fans.
In early Republican China, rumors were going around about the treasure in Wudang Mountain. An American conspirator took his well-trained kung fu daughter to Wudang by sponsoring a Taoist martial arts competition, to steal the treasure. Out of expectation, a disciple represented Wudang to compete with other martial arts masters for the championship. During the competition, resentment incurred against different parties, the relationship became complicated, a Korean female Tai Chi descendant fell in love with the American conspirator and the secret of the treasure had been revealed. The treasure is the key of the magnetic field of Wudang, if it's stolen, Wudang would be devastated. To protect Wudang, a group of young heroes rallied around to defeat grant masters. It's the time the long-lost Wudang martial arts returned
In early Republican China, rumors were going around about the treasure in Wudang Mountain. An American conspirator took his well-trained kung fu daughter to Wudang by sponsoring a Taoist martial arts competition, to steal the treasure. Out of expectation, a disciple represented Wudang to compete with other martial arts masters for the championship. During the competition, resentment incurred against different parties, the relationship became complicated, a Korean female Tai Chi descendant fell in love with the American conspirator and the secret of the treasure had been revealed. The treasure is the key of the magnetic field of Wudang, if it's stolen, Wudang would be devastated. To protect Wudang, a group of young heroes rallied around to defeat grant masters. It's the time the long-lost Wudang martial arts returned