WuJi - Die Meister des Schwertes
Kaige ChenSchauspieler:
Ge You, Huang Xiaoming, Fan Bingbing, Vincent Zhao, Wang Xue-qi, Hai Qing, William Wang, Zhang Fengyi, Li DongxueChina in der Antike. Der Ratgeber des Kaisers ist neidisch auf den erfolgreichen General des Kaisers und besonders dessen schöne, junge Frau. Um ihn zu diskreditieren, vergiftet er den Kaiser und schiebt das Verbrechen dem General in die Schuhe. Prompt werden der und hunderte von seinem Clan abgeschlachtet. Überleben tut das Massaker nur der neugeborene Sohn des Generals, und zwar mit Hilfe des Leibarztes. Der erzieht den Knaben zum perfekten Kämpfer mit dem Ziel, ihn einst Rache üben zu lassen.
Episches Schwertkampfabenteuer aus China, eine tragische, sich über Generationen erstreckende Rachegeschichte, deren Rache dann nicht so kalt genossen wird, wie es die Regeln des Genres eigentlich vorschreiben. Chen Kaige, Regisseur von Meisterwerken wie "Lebewohl, meine Konkubine" und "Der Kaiser und sein Attentäter", liefert mehr als nur einen Actionfilm, stellt philosophische Betrachtungen an, und seziert eigenartige Familienverhältnisse. Erste Wahl für Kunst- und Genrefreunde.
For generations the Zhao family has wielded power, until their mortal enemy TU’AN GU slaughters the entire clan, determined to wipe out their influence forever. But one Zhao baby survives hidden by CHENG YING the doctor who delivered him. When Tu’an Gu learns of the baby’s escape he seizes every infant in the city, vowing to kill them all unless the Zhao baby is surrendered. As the tyrant’s soldiers arrive at Cheng Ying’s home the frantic doctor hides his wife with their own baby whilst surrendering the Zhao child as his own. But his family is discovered; his baby is presumed to be the Zhao heir and murdered along with his wife for harboring the infant. Now set on revenge Cheng Ying enrolls the Zhao orphan into the service of the Tu’an Gu household, plotting to use him as an instrument of vengeance when he comes of age.
For generations the Zhao family has wielded power, until their mortal enemy TU’AN GU slaughters the entire clan, determined to wipe out their influence forever. But one Zhao baby survives hidden by CHENG YING the doctor who delivered him. When Tu’an Gu learns of the baby’s escape he seizes every infant in the city, vowing to kill them all unless the Zhao baby is surrendered. As the tyrant’s soldiers arrive at Cheng Ying’s home the frantic doctor hides his wife with their own baby whilst surrendering the Zhao child as his own. But his family is discovered; his baby is presumed to be the Zhao heir and murdered along with his wife for harboring the infant. Now set on revenge Cheng Ying enrolls the Zhao orphan into the service of the Tu’an Gu household, plotting to use him as an instrument of vengeance when he comes of age.