Wunder einer Winternacht: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte
Juha WuolijokiSchauspieler:
Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Otto Gustavsson, Jonas Rinne, Kari Väänänen, Minna Haapkylä, Mikko Leppilampi, Mikko Kouki, Laura Birn, Matti Ristinen, Antti Tuisku, Eeva Soivio, Pirjo Leppänen, Saara Pakkasvirta, Ville Virtanen, Oskari Heimonen, Roi RonIn einem kleinen Dorf in Lappland lebt die kleine Waise Nikolas. Die Dorfbewohner haben entschieden, dass sie gemeinsam den Jungen groß ziehen sollen, jede Familie passt ein Jahr lang auf den Jungen auf. Immer Heiligabend kommt er von der einen Familie zur nächsten. Um sich dankbar zu zeigen, hat Nikolas es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Kindern seiner Gastfamilien Abschiedsgeschenke zu machen und am heiligen Abend zu übergeben. Jedes Jahr kommt eine Familie dazu.
Als die Zeiten härter werden, muss Nikolas bei dem bösen Zimmermann Iisakki arbeiten. Nikolas macht aus der Not eine Tugend und verfeinert hier seine handwerklichen Fähigkeiten, um noch schönere Geschenke herzustellen. Doch als Iisakki Nikolas dies verbietet, gerät die schöne Geschenke-Tradition in Gefahr...
Hundreds of years ago in Lapland, a little boy named Nikolas loses his family in an accident. The villagers decide to look after the orphaned boy together. Once a year - at Christmas - Nikolas moves to a new home. To show his gratitude, Nikolas decides to make toys for the children of the families as good-bye presents. Over the years, Nikolas's former adoptive families become many, and soon almost every house has presents on its doorstep on Christmas morning. At thirteen, Nikolas is sent to live and work with Iisakki, a grumpy old carpenter, who forbids Nikolas to continue making presents for Christmas. Gradually, however, Nikolas wins Iisakki's trust. Together they begin to look after the Christmas traditional that Nikolas has begun. When the aged Iisakki has to leave Nikolas and move away, the tradition of Christmas presents is once again at risk. Thankfully, Nikolas comes up with a solution that brings children joy every Christmas, even continuing to today.
Hundreds of years ago in Lapland, a little boy named Nikolas loses his family in an accident. The villagers decide to look after the orphaned boy together. Once a year - at Christmas - Nikolas moves to a new home. To show his gratitude, Nikolas decides to make toys for the children of the families as good-bye presents. Over the years, Nikolas's former adoptive families become many, and soon almost every house has presents on its doorstep on Christmas morning. At thirteen, Nikolas is sent to live and work with Iisakki, a grumpy old carpenter, who forbids Nikolas to continue making presents for Christmas. Gradually, however, Nikolas wins Iisakki's trust. Together they begin to look after the Christmas traditional that Nikolas has begun. When the aged Iisakki has to leave Nikolas and move away, the tradition of Christmas presents is once again at risk. Thankfully, Nikolas comes up with a solution that brings children joy every Christmas, even continuing to today.