Zeit der Zärtlichkeit
James L. BrooksSchauspieler:
Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Jeff Daniels, John Lithgow, Lisa Hart Carroll, Betty King, Huckleberry Fox, Troy Bishop, Shane Serwin, Megan MorrisDie rührselige, dreißig Jahre umspannende Geschichte zweier Frauen, Mutter und Tochter, reicht vom Babyalter der Tochter über ihre von der Mutter boykottierte Heirat, die schwierige späte Romanze der Mutter bis hin zum frühen Tod der Tochter durch eine Krebserkrankung.
Oscar-gekrönte, 30 Jahre umspannende Geschichte einer Mutter und ihrer Tochter.
Aurora and Emma are mother and daughter who march to different drummers. Beginning with Emma's marriage, Aurora shows how difficult and loving she can be. The movie covers several years of their lives as each finds different reasons to go on living and find joy. Aurora's interludes with Garrett Breedlove, retired astronaut and next door neighbor are quite striking.
Aurora and Emma are mother and daughter who march to different drummers. Beginning with Emma's marriage, Aurora shows how difficult and loving she can be. The movie covers several years of their lives as each finds different reasons to go on living and find joy. Aurora's interludes with Garrett Breedlove, retired astronaut and next door neighbor are quite striking.