Zeugin der Anklage
Billy WilderSchauspieler:
Tyrone Power, Marlene Dietrich, Charles Laughton, Elsa Lanchester, John Williams, Henry Daniell, Ian Wolfe, Torin Thatcher, Norma Varden, Una O'Connor, Francis Compton, Philip Tonge, Ruta Lee, Bess Flowers, Leoda Richards, Patrick AherneEigentlich ist Sir Wilfrid Robarts gesundheitlich noch gar nicht imstande, Leonard Vole vor einem Londoner Schwurgericht zu verteidigen. Aber der berühmte Anwalt kann dem Reiz des Falls nicht widerstehen: Leonard Vole wird beschuldigt, sich aus Habgier an die reiche Witwe Emily French herangemacht und sie ermordet zu haben. Und ausgerechnet Voles Frau Christine tritt als Zeugin der Anklage auf.
When Leonard Vole is arrested for the sensational murder of a rich, middle-aged widow, the famous Sir Wilfrid Robarts agrees to appear on his behalf. Sir Wilfrid, recovering from a near-fatal heart attack, is supposed to be on a diet of bland, civil suits – but the lure of the criminal courts is too much for him, especially when the case is so difficult.
When Leonard Vole is arrested for the sensational murder of a rich, middle-aged widow, the famous Sir Wilfrid Robarts agrees to appear on his behalf. Sir Wilfrid, recovering from a near-fatal heart attack, is supposed to be on a diet of bland, civil suits – but the lure of the criminal courts is too much for him, especially when the case is so difficult.